Expert Search is the most advanced search mode where the query is ‘build-up’ using search codes and boolean operators. All available search codes can be found next to the search box
- Search Codes and the boolean operators - AND, OR, NOT - must be written in uppercase and the search terms needs to be enclosed by a parenthesis - e.g. ALL=(“climate change”) AND AB=(arctic)
- When using the same search code for multiple search terms connected by OR, you can include all the search terms within one parenthesis. e.g. ALL=(water OR ocean)
- When a query contains more than one of the three boolean operators, you can use additional parentheses to control the order of execution - e.g. (DAF=(“aarhus university”) NOT GAF=("lund university")) AND (ALL=("climate change"))
- To search a phrase, use quotation marks (" ") - e.g. KEY=("global warming")
- The database uses word stemming in all queries based on the English language. If you search for e.g. the Danish word 'demens' the search engine reduces the word to its stem and the query will also return records with e.g. the terms 'dem' or 'demet'. Likewise querying the phrase "global warming" will also return records with e.g. the phrase "global warm". For queries on exact words or phrases you can use Expert Search instead
- For queries on exact words or phrases you can use single quotation marks (' ') - e.g. ALL=('demens') will only return records with the exact term 'demens', the same way ALL=('global warming') will only return records with that exact phrase without any stemming applied
- If you need a more comprehensive result you can use truncation (*) - e.g. quering ALL=(dem*) will return results that include any ending of the root word 'dem' - e.g. 'demonstrate' or 'demographic', whereas the query ALL=(dem) alone will not
- When searching for Contributors (e.g. author names) using quotation marks (" ") around the name search will enhance your precision - e.g. querying CON=("larsen, jessica") will give you a more precise search results than just querying CON=(larsen, jessica)
Use the filter menu to the left to get an overview or apply filters to refine your search result
- Open a filter, select one or more filter options and click Apply
- When combining more options within the same filter the values are combined by a boolean OR
- When combining more options across different filters the values across are combined by a boolean AND
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