Chapter, 2024

The Danish Municipal CEO: Managing the Local Welfare State

Managing Nordic Local Governments 978-3-031-60068-5, 978-3-031-60069-2, Pages 83-109

Editors: Dag Olaf Torjesen; Morten Balle Hansen; Siv Sandberg; Anna Cregård; Eva Marín Hlynsdóttir

Series: Palgrave Studies in Sub-National Governance ISSN 2523-8248, 2523-8256, 2523-8248, 2523-8256, Pages 83-109

Publisher: Springer Nature

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-60069-2_4


Hansen, Morten Balle 0000-0003-1144-2747 (Corresponding author) [1]


  1. [1] University of Southern Denmark
  2. [NORA names: SDU University of Southern Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


This chapter revisits research from the 1980s and 1990s and analyses the collective profile of the Danish municipal CEO (MCEOs) and its evolution since the 1980s. The analysis shows the embeddedness of the MCEO position in (a) the formal structure of local liberal democracy, (b) the long-term historical trends of public sector expansion, which in the Danish (Nordic) context primarily took place at the local government level, and (c) its associated large, expanding multi-task municipal organizations influenced by (d) national policy priorities and (e) globally diffusing models of governance, such as the new public management (NPM) reform wave of the 1980s. The analysis provides a unique portrait of the changing profile of the MCEOs managing these organizations, which currently employ around 18% of the Danish workforce and 56% of public employees, spend more than 60% of public consumption, and deliver most of the core services of the Danish welfare state. Building on primary and secondary data and previous as well as the most recent research, the chapter provides crucial new knowledge of management and leadership in Danish local government.


CEO, Danish, Danish local government, Danish welfare state, Danish workforce, NPM, analysis, changing profile, consumption, context, core, core services, data, democracy, diffusion model, embeddedness, employees, evolution, expansion, government, government level, knowledge, knowledge of management, leadership, levels, liberal democracy, local government level, local governments, local welfare state, localization, long-term historical trends, management, model of governance, municipal organization, national policy priorities, organization, policy priorities, portrait, position, priority, profile, public consumption, public employees, public management, public sector expansion, reform, reform wave, research, revisits research, secondary data, sector expansion, services, state, structure, unique portrait, wave, welfare state, workforce

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