Article, 2024

Design Methodology of High-Power Density Converter with Wide Input Voltage Range

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, ISSN 1557-9948, 0278-0046, Volume PP, 99, Pages 1-11, 10.1109/tie.2024.3413834


Wang, Pinhe 0000-0003-2750-7541 [1] Zsurzsan, Tiberiu-Gabriel 0000-0003-4271-870X [1] Andersen, Michael A. E. 0000-0002-5612-0541 [1] Ouyang, Ziwei 0000-0001-7046-9224 [1]


  1. [1] Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


High-power density and high efficiency have always been the pursuit of power supplies. In the industry, the two-stage converter is widely employed in various applications for its inherent advantages, such as high reliability and simple control. In this article, the design methodology of high-power-density converters is given and presented for the two-stage converters systematically, including topology comparison, magnetic integration, and circuit parameters design. First, this article evaluates and compares three different topologies and the Boost-DCX configuration with low-component stress factors is selected. Then, to shrink the magnetic size, a matrix core is proposed to integrate two coupled inductors and one transformer. In comparison with the traditional magnetic design method using two E-I cores, the footprint of proposed core is reduced by around 30%. Finally, the proposed methodology is employed in a two-stage isolated converter for datacenter applications. A 1-kW prototype, from 38–72-V input to 53.5-V output, demonstrates a peak efficiency of 95.6% and a power density of 126W/in3.


E-I, E-I core, applications, article, circuit, circuit parameter design, comparison, configuration, converter, core, coupled inductor, datacenter applications, density, design, design method, design methodology, efficiency, factors, high-power density, high-power density converters, high-power-density converters, inductor, industry, integration, magnet size, magnetic design method, magnetic integration, matrix, matrix core, method, methodology, output, parameter design, power, power density, power supply, prototype, pursuit, reliability, size, stress factors, supply, topology, topology comparison, transformation, two-stage converter

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