Article, 2024

Unravelling Earth’s story: how crystals reveal the secrets of landscape evolution

The Project Repository Journal, ISSN 2632-4067, Volume 20, 1, Pages 78-81, 10.54050/prj2021916


Jain, Mayank [1]


  1. [1] Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Unravelling Earth’s story: how crystals reveal the secrets of landscape evolution LUMIN aims to revolutionise research by developing a comprehensive model of luminescence in feldspar, the most common mineral in Earth’s crust. The project will examine electron behaviour in defects in feldspar lattice using cutting-edge imaging and simulations and use the results of these investigations to develop a unified model of luminescence. This model will enable the accurate measurement of erosion and transport rates on unprecedented spatial and temporal scales, providing vital insights for landscape evolution studies, geohazard prediction and land use management.


Earth, Earth's crust, accurate measurement, behavior, comprehensive model, crust, crystal, cutting-edge imaging, defects, electron, electronic behavior, erosion, evolution, evolution studies, feldspar, feldspar lattice, geohazard prediction, geohazards, images, investigation, land, land use management, landscape, landscape evolution, landscape evolution studies, lattice, luminance, luminescence, management, measurement of erosion, minerals, model, model of luminescence, prediction, project, rate, research, results, scale, secretion, simulation, study, temporal scales, transport, transport rate

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