open access publication

Article, 2024

“Den løse ramme var svær” – en gentænkning af forandring, samarbejde og bevægelse i intra-aktiv aktionsforskning

Forskning og Forandring, ISSN 2535-5279, Volume 7, 2, 10.23865/fof.v7.5373


Schmidt, Christina Haandbæk [1] Kortbek, Hjørdis Brandrup [1]


  1. [1] UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole, Danmark
  2. [NORA names: Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Formålet med denne artikel er at bidrage til diskussionen af, hvordan aktionsforskning kan skabe forandring og etablere ligeværdige relationer mellem praksis og forskning. I artiklen går vi i dialog med, hvad der kan forstås som intra-aktiv aktionsforskning, og argumenterer for, at aktionsforskningen i sin bestræbelse på at tilføre et blik for materialitet kommer til at overse diskursers betydning for relationerne. I forlængelse heraf undersøger vi, hvordan aktionsforskningens potentielt modsatrettede fordringer om forandring som hhv. emancipation og nyttegørelse kan forstås som diskurser, der forbinder sig til vidensproduktionen, og som materialiserer sig i relationerne. Konsekvensen af dette er et behov for at gentænke forholdet mellem diskurser, materialitet og subjekter i intra-aktiv aktionsforskning. Artiklen går dermed i dialog med Moa Frids (2021) artikel “Collaboration, movement and change: An intra-active action research approach” og søger så at sige at gentænke Frids gentænkning med et skærpet blik for diskursers betydning. Vores gentænkning eksemplificeres med nedslag i empirisk materiale fra et forskningsprojekt. English abstract “The Loose Framework was Challenging”: A Reconsideration of Change, Collaboration, and Movement in Intra-Active Action Research The purpose of this article is to contribute to the discussion on how action research can create change and establish equitable relationships between practice and research. In the article, we engage in a dialogue regarding what can be understood as intra-active action research and argue that in its endeavor to incorporate a perspective on materiality, action research tends to overlook the significance of discourses in shaping relationships. In line with this, we explore how the potentially contradictory demands of action research for change as both emancipation and utility can be understood as discourses that are linked to knowledge production and materialise in relationships. Consequently, there is a need to rethink the relationship between discourses, materiality, and subjects in intra-active action research. The article engages in a dialogue with Moa Frid’s (2021) article “Collaboration, movement, and change: An intra-active action research approach” and seeks to reframe Frid’s reconsideration with a heightened focus on the significance of discourses. Our reconsideration is exemplified through empirical material from a research project.


Abstract, BLIK, English abstract, FRID, Kan, MOA, SOM, Voring, action, action research, action research approach, approach, article, changes, collaboration, dens, dialog, dialogue, discourse, discussion, emancipation, empirical material, equitable relationships, focus, framework, heightened focus, intra-action, knowledge, knowledge production, loose framework, looseness, materialisation, materials, movement, perspective, practice, production, project, reconsideration, relationship, research, research approach, research project, significance, significance of discourse, subjects, utilization

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