Article, 2024

Self-Supervised EEG Representation Learning for Robust Emotion Recognition

ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, ISSN 1550-4859, 1550-4867, 10.1145/3674975


Liu, Huan 0000-0002-7863-3751 (Corresponding author) [1] Zhang, Yuzhe [1] Chen, Xuxu [1] Zhang, Dalin 0000-0002-5869-6544 [2] Li, Rui 0000-0002-5453-4660 [1] Qin, Tao 0000-0003-4874-2567 [1]


  1. [1] Xi'an Jiaotong University
  2. [NORA names: China; Asia, East];
  3. [2] Aalborg University
  4. [NORA names: AAU Aalborg University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Emotion recognition based on electroencephalography (EEG) is becoming a growing concern of researchers due to its various applications and portable devices. Existing methods are mainly dedicated to EEG feature representation and have made impressive progress. However, the problem of scarce labels restricts their further promotion. In light of this, we propose a self-supervised framework with contrastive learning for robust EEG-based emotion recognition, which can effectively leverage both readily available unlabeled EEG signals and labeled ones to learn highly discriminative EEG features. Firstly, we construct a specific pretext task according to the sequential non-stationarity of emotional EEG signals for contrastive learning, which aims to extract pseudo-label information from all EEG data. Meanwhile, we propose a novel negative segment selection algorithm to reduce the noise of unlabeled data during the contrastive learning process. Secondly, to mitigate the overfitting issue induced by a small number of labeled samples during learning, we originate a loss function with label smoothing regularization that can guide the model to learn generalizable features. Extensive experiments over three benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our model on EEG-based emotion recognition task. Besides, the generalization and robustness of the model have also been proved through sufficient experiments.


EEG signals, EEG-based emotion recognition, EEG-based emotion recognition tasks, algorithm, applications, benchmark datasets, contrastive learning, contrastive learning process, data, dataset, devices, effect, electroencephalography, electroencephalography data, electroencephalography features, emotion recognition, emotion recognition task, emotional EEG signals, emotions, experiments, feature representation, features, framework, function, generalization, impressive progress, information, issues, label smoothing regularization, labeled ones, labeled samples, labeling, learning, learning process, loss, loss function, method, model, noise, ones, overfitting, overfitting issue, portable devices, pretext, pretext task, problem, process, progression, promoter, pseudo-label information, recognition, recognition task, regularization, representation, representation learning, research, robust emotion recognition, robustness, samples, selection algorithm, self-supervised framework, signal, smoothness regularization, superiority, task, unlabeled data

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