open access publication

Article, 2024

Effects of relative density and dilatancy on stress and deformation arching of sand over an active trapdoor

Computers and Geotechnics, ISSN 0266-352X, 1873-7633, Volume 173, Page 106485, 10.1016/j.compgeo.2024.106485


Liu, Xue-Yan 0000-0002-1493-8900 [1] Franza, Andrea 0000-0002-8510-0355 (Corresponding author) [2] Jimenez, Rafael 0000-0002-7720-2757 [3]


  1. [1] Beijing Forestry University
  2. [NORA names: China; Asia, East];
  3. [2] Aarhus University
  4. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] Technical University of Madrid
  6. [NORA names: Spain; Europe, EU; OECD]


This paper employs Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations to investigate the influence of relative density on soil arching within a plane-strain active trapdoor scenario. For varying relative trapdoor depths, DEM simulations illustrate the key influence of dilatancy on displacement and strain fields and on stress rotation and trapdoor pressure, confirming that shear bands develop at the trapdoor depending on the soil’s dilation angle. The interplay between dilatancy and soil cover governs the arching phenomenon and the ground deformation mode; the significance of relative density is also highlighted by its effects on the principal stress rotation and ground reaction curves. To predict the minimum trapdoor pressure, we propose a Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) solution that considers the type of failure mechanism (trapezoidal or triangular) and the lateral earth pressure as a function of the soil’s dilatancy and stress arching shape; this approach coincides with Terzaghi’s soil pressure concept at the critical state. LEM predictions of minimum and ultimate (or terminal) trapdoor pressure, and of shear deformation modes, are validated with our DEM results and with literature results. Finally, the impact of effective stresses and relative density on deformation patterns and design charts that quantify the minimum trapdoor pressure is discussed.


Terzaghi, angle, arch shape, arching phenomenon, band, charts, concept, cover, critical state, curves, deformation, deformation modes, deformation patterns, deformed arches, density, depth, design, design charts, dilatation, dilation angle, discrete element method, discrete element method results, discrete element method simulations, displacement, earth pressure, effect, effective stress, effects of relative density, element method, failure, failure mechanism, field, function, ground, ground reaction curve, impact, impact of effective stress, influence, influence of dilation, influence of relative density, lateral earth pressure, limit equilibrium method, limitations, literature, literature results, mechanism, method, minimum, mode, patterns, phenomenon, prediction of minimum, pressure, pressure concept, principal stress rotation, reaction curve, relative density, results, rotation, sand, scenarios, shape, shear, shear bands, shear deformation modes, significance, simulation, soil, soil cover, soil dilatancy, soil dilation angle, state, strain, strain field, stress, stress rotation, trapdoor


  • China Scholarship Council
  • Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness

Data Provider: Digital Science