open access publication

Conference Paper, 2024

Minimum Star Partitions of Simple Polygons in Polynomial Time

Proceedings of the 56th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, ISBN 9798400703836, Pages 904-910, 10.1145/3618260.3649756


Abrahamsen, Mikkel 0000-0003-2734-4690 [1] Blikstad, Joakim (Corresponding author) [2] Nusser, André [1] Zhang, Hanwen [1]


  1. [1] University of Copenhagen
  2. [NORA names: KU University of Copenhagen; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  4. [NORA names: Sweden; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


We devise a polynomial-time algorithm for partitioning a simple polygon P into a minimum number of star-shaped polygons. The question of whether such an algorithm exists has been open for more than four decades [Avis and Toussaint, Pattern Recognit., 1981] and it has been repeated frequently, for example in O’Rourke’s famous book [Art Gallery Theorems and Algorithms, 1987]. In addition to its strong theoretical motivation, the problem is also motivated by practical domains such as CNC pocket milling, motion planning, and shape parameterization. The only previously known algorithm for a non-trivial special case is for P being both monotone and rectilinear [Liu and Ntafos, Algorithmica, 1991]. For general polygons, an algorithm was only known for the restricted version in which Steiner points are disallowed [Keil, SIAM J. Comput., 1985], meaning that each corner of a piece in the partition must also be a corner of P. Interestingly, the solution size for the restricted version may be linear for instances where the unrestricted solution has constant size. The covering variant in which the pieces are star-shaped but allowed to overlap—known as the Art Gallery Problem—was recently shown to be ∃ℝ-complete and is thus likely not in NP [Abrahamsen, Adamaszek and Miltzow, STOC 2018 & J. ACM 2022]; this is in stark contrast to our result. Arguably the most related work to ours is the polynomial-time algorithm to partition a simple polygon into a minimum number of convex pieces by Chazelle and Dobkin ‍[STOC, 1979 & Comp. Geom., 1985].


CNC, Chazelle, NPs, R-completion, Steiner, Steiner points, algorithm, art, book, constant size, convex pieces, decades, domain, generalized polygons, milling, minimum, motion, motion planning, motivation, ours, parameterization, partitioning, pieces, planning, pocket milling, point, polygon P, polygons, polynomial time, polynomial-time algorithm, polynomials, practice domains, problem, restricted version, shape, shape parameterization, size, solute size, solution, star partition, star-shaped, star-shaped polygon, theoretical motivation, time, variants, version


  • Swedish Research Council
  • The Velux Foundations

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