open access publication

Article, 2024

Methanotroph biotransformation for nutrient recovery: a review of current strategies and future opportunities

Biofuel Research Journal, ISSN 2292-8782, Volume 11, 2, Pages 2065-2081, 10.18331/brj2024.11.2.2


Zheng, Xin 0000-0002-7601-9205 [1] Liu, Qianru 0009-0007-1724-5767 [1] Khademi, Sahar [2] Khoshnevisan, Benyamin 0000-0003-0236-5970 [3] Xu, Mingyi [4] Zhang, Yifeng [4] Lou, Yu [1] Liu, Hongbin [5] Duan, Nuo 0000-0002-9834-4180 [1]


  1. [1] China Agricultural University
  2. [NORA names: China; Asia, East];
  3. [2] Isfahan University of Technology
  4. [NORA names: Iran; Asia, Middle East];
  5. [3] University of Southern Denmark
  6. [NORA names: SDU University of Southern Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  7. [4] Technical University of Denmark
  8. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  9. [5] Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning
  10. [NORA names: China; Asia, East]


The escalating global demand for protein and the imperative to meet sustainable development goals have driven the emergence of biotransformation platforms, with methanotrophs showing significant potential in this field. In this paper, the metabolism, nutritional requirements, cultivation strategies, and bioreactors of methanotrophs are reviewed. Integrating upstream and downstream technologies is also advocated to advance the development of methanotroph biotransformation platforms toward a circular economy model. The advancements in utilizing biogas as a viable carbon source and wastewater as a nitrogen source are discussed, emphasizing the need for detailed quality control and safety assessments to ensure the suitability of single-cell protein as animal feed. In general, by integrating advanced nutrient recovery technologies to define new process routes, methanotroph biotransformation platforms can bring better environmental benefits by reducing carbon emissions and saving resources. Shifting to renewable energy is crucial for achieving environmental sustainability. By using renewable energy to power microbial fermentation, biomass dehydration, and waste recycling, the platform can offset high energy consumption and attain significant market competitiveness with traditional protein sources.


Development Goals, advances, animal feed, assessment, benefits, biogas, biomass, biomass dehydration, bioreactor, biotransformation, carbon, carbon emissions, carbon source, circular economy model, competition, control, cultivation, cultivation strategies, dehydration, demand, development, downstream technologies, economy model, emergency, emission, energy, environmental benefits, environmental sustainability, escalating global demand, feeding, fermentation, future opportunities, global demand, goal, market, market competition, metabolism, methanotrophs, microbial fermentation, model, nitrogen, nitrogen source, nutrient recovery, nutrient recovery technologies, nutritional requirements, opportunities, platform, potential, process, processing route, protein, protein source, quality, quality control, recovery, recovery technologies, recycling, reduce carbon emissions, renewable energy, requirements, resources, review, route, safety, safety assessment, saving resources, single-cell protein, source, strategies, suitability, sustainability, technology, waste, waste recycling, wastewater

Data Provider: Digital Science