open access publication

Article, 2024

Lensed Type Ia Supernova “Encore” at z = 2: The First Instance of Two Multiply Imaged Supernovae in the Same Host Galaxy

The Astrophysical Journal Letters, ISSN 2041-8205, 2041-8213, Volume 967, 2, Page l37, 10.3847/2041-8213/ad4648


Pierel, Justin D R 0000-0002-2361-7201 [1] [2] Newman, A. B. [3] Dhawan, Suhail [4] Gu, M. [5] Joshi, B. A. [6] Li, T. [7] Schuldt, Stefan [8] [9] Strolger, Louis-Gregory [2] Suyu, Sherry Hsuan [10] [11] [12] Caminha, Gabriel Bartosch 0000-0001-6052-3274 [11] [12] Cohen, S. H. [13] Diego, Jose Maria 0000-0001-9065-3926 [14] Dśilva, J C J [15] [16] Ertl, Sebastian 0000-0002-5085-2143 [11] [12] Frye, Brenda L [17] Granata, Giovanni 0000-0002-9512-3788 [8] [9] [18] Grillo, Claudio 0000-0002-5926-7143 [8] [9] Koekemoer, Anton M 0000-0002-6610-2048 [2] Li, Juno [16] Robotham, Aaron S G 0000-0003-0429-3579 [16] Summers, J. [13] Treu, T. [19] Windhorst, Rogier A [13] Zitrin, Adi 0000-0002-0350-4488 [20] Agarwal, S. [21] Agrawal, A. [22] Arendse, Nikki 0000-0001-5409-6480 [23] Belli, S. [24] Burns, Christopher R 0000-0003-4625-6629 [3] Cañameras, Raoul 0000-0002-2468-5169 [11] [12] Chakrabarti, S [25] Chen, W. [26] Collett, Thomas E 0000-0001-5564-3140 [7] Coulter, D. A. [2] Ellis, R. S. [27] Engesser, Michael 0000-0003-0209-674X [2] Foo, N. [13] Fox, O D [2] Gall, Christa 0000-0002-8526-3963 [28] Garuda, Nikhil 0000-0003-3418-2482 [17] Gezari, Suvi 0000-0003-3703-5154 [2] Gomez, S. [2] Glazebrook, Karl G 0000-0002-3254-9044 [29] Hjorth, J. [28] Huang, X. [30] [31] Jha, Saurabh Wall 0000-0001-8738-6011 [32] Kamieneski, Patrick S 0000-0001-9394-6732 [13] Kelly, Patrick L [33] Larison, C [32] Moustakas, Leonidas A 0000-0003-3030-2360 [34] Pascale, M. [21] Pérez-Fournon, Ismael 0000-0002-2807-6459 [35] [36] Petrushevska, Tanja 0000-0003-4743-1679 [37] Poidevin, Frédérick 0000-0002-5391-5568 [35] [36] Rest, Armin 0000-0002-4410-5387 [2] [6] Shahbandeh, Melissa 0000-0002-9301-5302 [2] Shajib, Anowar J 0000-0002-5558-888X [1] [31] Siebert, M. [2] Storfer, Christopher 0000-0002-0385-0014 [38] Talbot, M. [34] Wang, Q. [6] Wevers, Thomas 0000-0002-4043-9400 [2] Zenati, Yossef 0000-0002-0632-8897 [2] [6] [39]


  1. [1] NASA Einstein Fellow.
  2. [NORA names: Miscellaneous];
  3. [2] Space Telescope Science Institute
  4. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD];
  5. [3] Carnegie Observatories
  6. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD];
  7. [4] University of Cambridge
  8. [NORA names: United Kingdom; Europe, Non-EU; OECD];
  9. [5] University of Hong Kong
  10. [NORA names: China; Asia, East];


A bright (m F150W,AB = 24 mag), z = 1.95 supernova (SN) candidate was discovered in JWST/NIRCam imaging acquired on 2023 November 17. The SN is quintuply imaged as a result of strong gravitational lensing by a foreground galaxy cluster, detected in three locations, and remarkably is the second lensed SN found in the same host galaxy. The previous lensed SN was called “Requiem,” and therefore the new SN is named “Encore.” This makes the MACS J0138.0−2155 cluster the first known system to produce more than one multiply imaged SN. Moreover, both SN Requiem and SN Encore are Type Ia SNe (SNe Ia), making this the most distant case of a galaxy hosting two SNe Ia. Using parametric host fitting, we determine the probability of detecting two SNe Ia in this host galaxy over a ∼10 yr window to be ≈3%. These observations have the potential to yield a Hubble constant (H 0) measurement with ∼10% precision, only the third lensed SN capable of such a result, using the three visible images of the SN. Both SN Requiem and SN Encore have a fourth image that is expected to appear within a few years of ∼2030, providing an unprecedented baseline for time-delay cosmography.


Encore, First, First Instance, Hubble constant, Ia., MAC, Requiem, SNe, SNe Ia, SNe Ia., Type Ia SNe, baseline, cases, clusters, constant, cosmography, distant cases, fitness, foreground galaxy clusters, galaxies, galaxy clusters, gravitational lensing, host, host fitness, host galaxies, imaged supernova, images, instances, lensed SN, lenses, location, measurements, multipliers, observations, potential, precision, probability, results, sameness, strong gravitational lensing, supernova, system, time-delay cosmography, type, years


  • Directorate for STEM Education
  • European Research Council
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • Ministry of Education, Universities and Research
  • Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness
  • Royal Society
  • Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
  • Australian Research Council
  • United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation
  • Israel Science Foundation
  • European Commission
  • The Velux Foundations

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