open access publication

Preprint, 2024

Euclid preparation. Sensitivity to neutrino parameters

arXiv, ISSN 2331-8422, 10.48550/arxiv.2405.06047


Euclid Collaboration Archidiacono, Maria [1] [2] Lesgourgues, J [3] Casas, S [3] Pamuk, S [3] Schöneberg, N [4] Sakr, Ziad Bou 0000-0002-4823-3757 [5] [6] [7] Parimbelli, Gabriele 0000-0002-2539-2472 [8] [9] [10] Schneider, A. [11] Peters, Fabian Hervas [11] [12] Pace, Francesco 0000-0001-8039-0480 [13] [14] [15] Sabarish, V M [3] [16] Costanzi, Matteo 0000-0001-8158-1449 [17] [18] [19] Camera, Stefano 0000-0003-3399-3574 [13] [14] [15] Carbone, Carmelita 0000-0003-0125-3563 [20] Clesse, S. [21] Frusciante, Noemi 0000-0002-7375-1230 [22] Fumagalli, Alessandra 0009-0004-0300-2535 [17] [23] Monaco, P. [17] [18] [19] [24] Scott, D. [25] Viel, M. [9] [17] [19] [24] [26] Amara, A. [27] Andreon, Stefano 0000-0002-2041-8784 [28] Auricchio, Natalia 0000-0003-4444-8651 [29] Baldi, Marco 0000-0003-4145-1943 [29] [30] [31] Bardelli, Sandro 0000-0002-8900-0298 [29] Bodendorf, C. [32] Bonino, Donata 0000-0002-3336-9977 [15] Branchini, Enzo 0000-0002-0808-6908 [10] [28] [33] Brescia, Massimo 0000-0001-9506-5680 [22] [34] [35] Brinchmann, Jarle 0000-0003-4359-8797 [36] Capobianco, Vito 0000-0002-3309-7692 [15] Cardone, Vincenzo Fabrizio 0000-0002-2079-7438 [37] [38] Carretero, Jorge 0000-0002-3130-0204 [39] [40] Castellano, Marco 0000-0001-9875-8263 [38] Cavuoti, Stefano 0000-0002-3787-4196 [34] [35] Cimatti, A [30] Congedo, Giuseppe 0000-0003-2508-0046 [41] Conselice, Christopher J 0000-0003-1949-7638 [42] Conversi, Luca 0000-0002-6710-8476 [43] [44] Copin, Yannick 0000-0002-5317-7518 [45] Courbin, Frederic Yves Michel 0000-0003-0758-6510 [46] Courtois, H M [47] Da Silva, António José Cunha 0000-0002-6385-1609 [48] Degaudenzi, H. [49] Douspis, Marian 0000-0003-4203-3954 [50] Dubath, F. [49] Duncan, Christopher A J [42] [51] Dupac, Xavier [44] Dusini, S. [52] Ealet, A. [45] Farina, Maria 0000-0002-3089-7846 [53] Farrens, S. [54] Ferriol, S. [45] Frailis, Marco 0000-0002-7400-2135 [19] Franceschi, Enrico 0000-0002-0585-6591 [29] Galeotta, Samuele 0000-0002-3748-5115 [19] Gillis, Bryan R 0000-0002-4478-1270 [41] Giocoli, Carlo 0000-0002-9590-7961 [29] [31] Grazian, Andrea [55] Grupp, Frank U 0000-0001-7300-9303 [23] [32] Guzzo, Luigi 0000-0001-8264-5192 [1] [2] [28] Haugan, S. V. H. [56] Hoekstra, H. [57] Hormuth, F [58] Hornstrup, Allan 0000-0002-3363-0936 [59] [60] Jahnke, K. [61] Joachimi, B. [62] Keihänen, Elina 0000-0003-1804-7715 [63] Kermiche, Sabrina 0000-0002-0302-5735 [64] Kiessling, Alina [65] Kilbinger, Martin 0000-0001-9513-7138 [12] Kitching, Thomas D [62] Kubik, B. [45] Kunz, Martin 0000-0002-3052-7394 [49] Kurki-Suonio, Hannu 0000-0002-4618-3063 [63] [66] Ligori, Sebastiano 0000-0003-4172-4606 [15] Lilje, P. B. [56] Lindholm, Valtteri 0000-0003-2317-5471 [63] [66] Lloro, Ivan [67] Maino, Davide 0000-0002-4901-0133 [1] [2] [20] Maiorano, Elisabetta 0000-0003-2593-4355 [29] Mansutti, Oriana 0000-0001-5758-4658 [19] Marggraf, O. [68] Markovic, Katarina 0000-0001-6764-073X [65] Martinet, Nicolas 0000-0003-2786-7790 [69] Marulli, Federico 0000-0002-8850-0303 [29] [30] [31] Massey, Richard J Massey Richard J 0000-0002-6085-3780 [70] Maurogordato, Sophie [71] Mccracken, Henry Joy 0000-0002-9489-7765 [72] [73] Medinaceli, Eduardo [29] Mei, S. [74] Mellier, Yannick [72] [73] Meneghetti, Massimo 0000-0003-1225-7084 [29] [31] Merlin, Emiliano 0000-0001-6870-8900 [38] Meylan, Georges [46] Moresco, Michele 0000-0002-7616-7136 [29] [30] Moscardini, Lauro 0000-0002-3473-6716 [29] [30] [31] Munari, Emiliano 0000-0002-1751-5946 [19] Niemi, S. -M. [75] Nightingale, James W 0000-0002-8987-7401 [70] [76] Padilla, C. [39] Paltani, S. [49] Pasian, Fabio 0000-0002-4869-3227 [19] Pedersen, K [77] Percival, Will J 0000-0002-0644-5727 [78] [79] Pettorino, Valeria 0000-0002-4203-9320 [54] Pires, S. [54] Polenta, G. [80] Poncet, Maurice [81] Popa, L. A. [82] Pozzetti, Lucia 0000-0001-7085-0412 [29] Raison, Frédéric [32] Rebolo, Rafael 0000-0003-3767-7085 [83] [84] Renzi, Alessandro 0000-0001-9856-1970 [52] [85] Rhodes, Jason D [65] Riccio, Giuseppe 0000-0001-7020-1172 [35] Romelli, Erik 0000-0003-3069-9222 [19] Roncarelli, Mauro 0000-0001-9587-7822 [29] Saglia, Roberto P 0000-0003-0378-7032 [23] [32] Sapone, D. [86] Sartoris, Barbara 0000-0003-1337-5269 [19] [23] Scaramella, Roberto 0000-0003-2229-193X [37] [38] Schirmer, M. [61] Schneider, P. [68] Schrabback, Tim 0000-0002-6987-7834 [87] Secroun, Aurélia 0000-0003-0505-3710 [64] Seidel, G. [61] Serrano, Santiago 0000-0002-0211-2861 [8] [88] [89] Sirignano, Chiara 0000-0002-0995-7146 [52] [85] Sirri, G. [31] Stanco, L. [52] Tallada-Crespí, Pau 0000-0002-1336-8328 [40] [90] Taylor, Andy N [41] Tereno, Ismael Alexandre Borges 0000-0002-4537-6218 [48] Toledo-Moreo, Rafael 0000-0002-2997-4859 [91] Torradeflot, Fra Ncesc 0000-0003-1160-1517 [40] [90] Tutusaus, Isaac 0000-0002-3199-0399 [7] Valenziano, Luca 0000-0002-1170-0104 [29] [31] Vassallo, T 0000-0001-6512-6358 [19] [23] Veropalumbo, A [28] [33] Wang, Y. [92] Weller, Jochen 0000-0002-8282-2010 [23] [32] Zamorani, G. [29] Zoubian, J. [64] Zucca, Elena 0000-0002-5845-8132 [29] Biviano, Andrea 0000-0002-0857-0732 [17] [19] Boucaud, Alexandre 0000-0001-7387-2633 [74] Bozzo, E. [49] Burigana, Carlo 0000-0002-3005-5796 [31] [93] Calabrese, M [20] [94] Colodro-Conde, Carlos [84] Crocce, Martin 0000-0002-9745-6228 [8] Fabbian, Giulio 0000-0002-3255-4695 [95] [96] Graciá-Carpio, Javier 0000-0003-4689-3134 [32] Mainetti, G [97] Martinelli, Matteo 0000-0002-6943-7732 [37] [38] Mauri, Nicoletta 0000-0001-8196-1548 [30] [31] Neissner, Christian [39] [40] Scottez, Vivien [72] [98] Tenti, M. [31] Wiesmann, M. [56] Akrami, Yashar 0000-0002-2407-7956 [99] [100] Anselmi, Stefano 0000-0002-3579-9583 [52] [54] [85] Baccigalupi, C. [9] [17] [19] [24] Ballardini, Mario 0000-0003-4481-3559 [29] [101] [102] Bernardeau, Francis [72] [73] [103] Bertacca, Daniele 0000-0002-2490-7139 [52] [55] [85] Borgani, S. [17] [18] [19] [24] Borsato, Enrico [52] [85] Bruton, Sean T 0000-0002-6503-5218 [104] Cabanac, Remi A [7] Cappi, Alberto 0000-0002-9200-7167 [29] [71] Carvalho, Carla Sofia 0000-0002-7241-9797 [48] Castignani, Gianluca 0000-0001-6831-0687 [29] [30] Castro, Tiago 0000-0002-6292-3228 [17] [19] [24] [26] Cañas-Herrera, Guadalupe 0000-0003-2796-2149 [57] [75] Chambers, K. C. [105] Contarini, Sofia 0000-0002-9843-723X [30] [32] Cooray, Asantha Roshan 0000-0002-3892-0190 [106] Coupon, Jean [49] Davini, S. [33] De La Torre, S [69] De Lucia, Gabriella [19] Desprez, Guillaume 0000-0001-8325-1742 [107] Di Domizio, S Dell'Oro S [10] [33] Díaz-Sánchez, Anastasio 0000-0003-0748-4768 [91] Vigo, J A Escartin [32] Escoffier, S. [64] Ferreira, P. G. [51] Ferrero, I. [56] Finelli, Fabio 0000-0002-6694-3269 [29] [31] Gabarra, L. [51] Ganga, K. [74] García-Bellido, Juan 0000-0002-9370-8360 [100] Gaztanaga, Enrique 0000-0001-9632-0815 [8] [89] [108] Giacomini, F. [31] Gozaliasl, Ghassem 0000-0002-0236-919X [63] [109] Gregorio, Anna 0000-0003-4028-8785 [18] [19] [24] Hall, Alex C 0000-0002-3139-8651 [41] Hildebrandt, Hendrik Jurgen 0000-0002-9814-3338 [110] Ilić, Stéphane 0000-0003-4285-9086 [7] [81] [111] Kajava, Jari J E 0000-0002-3010-8333 [112] [113] Kansal, Vanshika 0000-0002-4008-6078 [114] [115] [116] Karagiannis, Dionysios 0000-0002-4927-0816 [117] [118] Kirkpatrick, C C [63] Legrand, Louis 0000-0003-0610-5252 [119] Loureiro, Arthur 0000-0002-4371-0876 [120] [121] Macías-Pérez, Juan Francisco 0000-0002-5385-2763 [122] Maggio, Gianmarco 0000-0003-4020-4836 [19] Magliocchetti, Manuela 0000-0001-9158-4838 [53] Mannucci, F. [123] Maoli, Roberto 0000-0002-6065-3025 [38] [124] Martins, Carlos José Amaro Parente 0000-0002-4886-9261 [36] [125] Matthew, S [41] Maurin, Loïc 0000-0002-8406-0857 [50] Metcalf, Robert Benton 0000-0003-3167-2574 [29] [30] Migliaccio, Marina 0000-0003-2040-4654 [126] [127] Morgante, Gianluca 0000-0001-9234-7412 [29] Nadathur, Seshadri 0000-0001-9070-3102 [108] Walton, Nicholas A. [128] Patrizii, L. [31] Pezzotta, Andrea 0000-0003-0726-2268 [32] Pöntinen, M. [63] Popa, V [82] Porciani, C. [68] Potter, D. [11] Reimberg, Paulo Henrique Flose 0000-0003-3410-0280 [72] Risso, Ilaria 0000-0003-2525-7761 [10] Rocci, P F [50] Sahlén, Martin Nils Jean Nikolaj 0000-0003-0973-4804 [129] Sánchez, A. G. [32] Sefusatti, Emiliano 0000-0003-0473-1567 [17] [19] [24] Sereno, Mauro 0000-0003-0302-0325 [29] [31] Simon, P. [68] Mancini, Alessio Spurio 0000-0001-5698-0990 [62] Steinwagner, Jörg [32] Testera, G. [33] Tewes, M. [68] Teyssier, R. [130] Toft, Sune 0000-0003-3631-7176 [60] [131] Tosi, S. [10] [28] [33] Troja, Antonino 0000-0003-0239-4595 [52] [85] Tucci, M. [49] Valieri, Claudia [31] Valiviita, Jussi-Pekka 0000-0001-6225-3693 [63] [66] Vergani, Daniela 0000-0003-0898-2216 [29] Verza, G [96] [132] Vielzeuf, Pauline Eva 0000-0003-2035-9339 [64]


  1. [1] INFN Sezione di Milano
  2. [NORA names: Italy; Europe, EU; OECD];
  3. [2] University of Milan
  4. [NORA names: Italy; Europe, EU; OECD];
  5. [3] Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology
  6. [4] Institut de Ciències del Cosmos
  7. [5] Heidelberg University
  8. [NORA names: Germany; Europe, EU; OECD];


The Euclid mission of the European Space Agency will deliver weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering surveys that can be used to constrain the standard cosmological model and extensions thereof. We present forecasts from the combination of these surveys on the sensitivity to cosmological parameters including the summed neutrino mass $M_\nu$ and the effective number of relativistic species $N_{\rm eff}$ in the standard $\Lambda$CDM scenario and in a scenario with dynamical dark energy ($w_0 w_a$CDM). We compare the accuracy of different algorithms predicting the nonlinear matter power spectrum for such models. We then validate several pipelines for Fisher matrix and MCMC forecasts, using different theory codes, algorithms for numerical derivatives, and assumptions concerning the non-linear cut-off scale. The Euclid primary probes alone will reach a sensitivity of $\sigma(M_\nu)=$56meV in the $\Lambda$CDM+$M_\nu$ model, whereas the combination with CMB data from Planck is expected to achieve $\sigma(M_\nu)=$23meV and raise the evidence for a non-zero neutrino mass to at least the $2.6\sigma$ level. This can be pushed to a $4\sigma$ detection if future CMB data from LiteBIRD and CMB Stage-IV are included. In combination with Planck, Euclid will also deliver tight constraints on $\Delta N_{\rm eff}< 0.144$ (95%CL) in the $\Lambda$CDM+$M_\nu$+$N_{\rm eff}$ model, or $\Delta N_{\rm eff}< 0.063$ when future CMB data are included. When floating $(w_0, w_a)$, we find that the sensitivity to $N_{\rm eff}$ remains stable, while that to $M_\nu$ degrades at most by a factor 2. This work illustrates the complementarity between the Euclid spectroscopic and imaging/photometric surveys and between Euclid and CMB constraints. Euclid will have a great potential for measuring the neutrino mass and excluding well-motivated scenarios with additional relativistic particles.


CMB, CMB constraints, CMB data, Cluster Survey, Euclid, Euclid mission, European, European Space Agency, Fisher, Fisher matrix, MCMC, N_{\rm, N_{\rm eff}$, Planck, Space Agency, accuracy, agencies, algorithm, code, combination, complementarity, constraints, cosmological models, cosmological parameters, cut-off scale, dark energy, data, derivatives, detection, dynamical dark energy, effective number, energy, evidence, extension, factor 2, factors, forecasting, galaxies, galaxy cluster surveys, levels, m_\nu$, mass, matrix, mission, model, neutrino masses, neutrino parameters, neutrinos, number, numerical derivatives, parameters, particles, potential, relativistic particles, relativistic species, scale, scenarios, sensitivity, species, stage IV, standard cosmological model, survey, theory, theory code, w_0

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