open access publication

Article, 2024

Techno-economic analysis of blue ammonia synthesis using cryogenic CO2 capture Process-A Danish case investigation

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, ISSN 0360-3199, 1879-3487, Volume 69, Pages 608-618, 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.05.060


Asgharian, Hossein 0000-0001-7674-9438 (Corresponding author) [1] Baxter, Larry L 0000-0002-0453-2659 [1] [2] [3] Iov, Florin 0000-0001-5549-3250 [1] Cui, Xiaoti 0000-0001-6514-0280 [1] Araya, Samuel Simon 0000-0001-9294-0793 [4] Nielsen, Mads Pagh 0000-0002-9396-8525 [1] Liso, Vincenzo 0000-0002-7597-3849 [1]


  1. [1] Aalborg University
  2. [NORA names: AAU Aalborg University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Brigham Young University
  4. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD];
  5. [3] Sustainable Energy Solutions a Chart Company, 1489 West 105 North, Orem, UT, 84057, USA
  6. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD];
  7. [4] Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
  8. [NORA names: Luxembourg; Europe, EU; OECD]


Ammonia is a vital chemical with numerous applications. Currently, the primary methods for generating the necessary reactants for ammonia production involve steam methane reforming (SMR) and cryogenic air separation unit (CASU), while the Haber-Bosch process converts these reactants into ammonia. However, the SMR process releases substantial amounts of CO2, making it imperative to employ an efficient and cost-effective CO2 capture technology to mitigate emissions. This investigation focuses on evaluating the cryogenic CO2 capture (CCC) process for blue ammonia production and provides a thorough economic analysis, estimating both the initial investment costs and operational expenses involved in producing blue ammonia. The results indicated that the CCC process can capture 90% of the CO2 content in the flue gas emitted by the SMR, incurring an energy penalty of 0.724 M J e / k g C O 2 while capturing CO2 in the liquid phase with purities exceeding 99.9%. In this case, the estimated CO2 capture costs would be 18.05, 45.1, and 16.65 USD/ton in 2021, 2022, and 2023, respectively. This represents a 40% reduction compared to the CO2 capture costs associated with conventional amine-based technology. The results of this study indicate that the annual electricity costs for ammonia production increase by 38.5% and 64.2% when employing the CCC and amine-based processes, respectively. This investigation employed an isothermal reactor for ammonia synthesis, using the heat from the exothermic reaction in a water ammonia absorption refrigeration cycle (ARC) to condense and purify ammonia. The results show that the ARC system can effectively condense ammonia at −6 °C, producing a liquid ammonia stream with 99.3% purity. This leads to a 95% reduction in power consumption compared to a vapor compression refrigeration cycle (VCRC). Consequently, this method has the potential to decrease the annual operational costs for ammonia production by 2.92%, 2.69%, and 3.13% in 2021, 2022, and 2023, respectively. This study indicated that the hydrogen production unit incurs the highest initial investment costs, as well as operating costs, in the blue ammonia production process, followed by CASU and the Haber-Bosch process.


CO2, CO2 capture, CO2 capture cost, CO2 content, Haber-Bosch, Haber-Bosch process, Substantial amounts of CO2, absorption refrigeration cycle, air separation unit, amine-based processes, amine-based technology, ammonia, ammonia absorption refrigeration cycle, ammonia production, ammonia production process, ammonia stream, ammonia synthesis, amount of CO2, analysis, annual electricity cost, annual operating cost, applications, blue ammonia, capture, capture cost, case investigation, cases, compression refrigeration cycle, condensed ammonia, consumption, content, cost, cryogenic CO2, cryogenic CO2 capture, cryogenic CO2 capture processes, cryogenic air separation unit, cycle, deg C, economic analysis, electricity cost, emission, energy, energy penalty, exothermic reaction, expense, flue, flue gas, gas, heat, higher initial investment costs, hydrogen, hydrogen production unit, increase, initial investment cost, investigation, investment cost, isothermal reactor, liquid phase, methane reforming, method, mitigate emissions, operating costs, operating expenses, penalty, phase, potential, power, power consumption, primary method, process, process A, production, production increase, production process, production units, purity, reactants, reaction, reactor, reduction, reform, refrigeration cycle, results, separation unit, steam, steam methane reforming, stream, study, synthesis, system, techno-economic analysis, technology, units, vapor compression refrigeration cycle, water


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