open access publication

Preprint, 2024

Data-driven Parameters Tuning for Predictive Performance Improvement of Wire Bonder Multi-body Model

Cambridge Open Engage, 10.33774/miir-2024-f3zf3


Cheng, Xiaodong [1] Di Bucchianico, Alessandro 0000-0003-1842-5245 [2] Javanmardi, Najmeh [3] de Jong, Matthijs [3] Diget, Emil Lykke 0000-0001-6743-5613 [4] Please, Colin P 0000-0001-8917-8574 [5] Lahaye, Domenico J P 0000-0003-1729-0094 [6] Peng, Qiyao [7] Reisch, Cordula 0000-0003-1442-1474 [8] Sclosa, Davide 0000-0003-0806-2591 [9]


  1. [1] Wageningen University & Research
  2. [NORA names: Netherlands; Europe, EU; OECD];
  3. [2] Eindhoven University of Technology
  4. [NORA names: Netherlands; Europe, EU; OECD];
  5. [3] University of Groningen
  6. [NORA names: Netherlands; Europe, EU; OECD];
  7. [4] University of Southern Denmark
  8. [NORA names: SDU University of Southern Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  9. [5] University of Oxford
  10. [NORA names: United Kingdom; Europe, Non-EU; OECD];


This report describes work performed during SWI 2023 at the University of Groningen in relation with Problem 1 posed by the company ASMPT. They have detailed simulation software of a machine and they compare the results of this with physical experimental results. There is a significant difference between the simulated and measured data, and it is the goal of this work to study how to estimate the parameters in the simulation model using the ex-perimentally measured frequency response. First, two toy models are studied to understand the challenges of pa- rameter estimation in the frequency domain. Later, optimization methods are applied. Several different approaches of reducing the dimensionality of the parameter space are explored, including determining the parameter sensitivity. A suggestion for increasing the detail of the model, specifically related to the machine base, is also outlined. In the summary, we supply a discussion of the key insights we gained.


Groningen, Problem 1, SWI, University, University of Groningen, approach, base, companies, data, data-driven parameters, dimensionality, discussion, domain, estimation, ex-perimentally, experimental results, frequency, frequency domain, frequency response, goal, machine, machine base, measured data, method, model, multi-body model, optimization, optimization method, parameter sensitivity, parameter space, parameters, physical experimental results, prediction performance improvement, problem, ramets, reports, response, results, sensitivity, simulation, simulation model, simulation software, software, space, toy model, toys

Data Provider: Digital Science