open access publication

Article, 2024

Intraspecific genetic diversity and coexistence in phytoplankton populations

Limnology and Oceanography, ISSN 1939-5590, 0024-3590, Volume 69, 6, Pages 1450-1463, 10.1002/lno.12587


Ryderheim, Fredrik 0000-0003-2346-517X (Corresponding author) [1] Kiørboe, Thomas August 0000-0002-3265-336X [1]


  1. [1] Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Abstract The past two decades have seen a drastic increase in the availability and use of genetic techniques to study phytoplankton communities. As a result, it is now well documented that phytoplankton populations are genetically diverse, despite predominantly asexual reproduction and minute morphological variation. Genetic variation can lead to variation also in phenotype, and some traits vary more among genotypes than between species. Trait‐based approaches tackle this by focusing on traits rather than on species. However, trait‐based models often have difficulty predicting and explaining the huge trait‐diversity among coexisting individuals competing for the same few resources. Thus, we ask the question: How do hundreds, if not thousands, of genotypes coexist in a highly competitive environment? In this review, we gather information on genetic and phenotypic variations in coexisting genotypes and elaborate on three mechanisms by which broad intraspecific genetic diversity may be possible: neutral mutations, environmental fluctuations, and trade‐offs among traits. These have all been applied on an interspecies level, and we discuss their use also among coexisting genotypes. We find that genetic diversity to be almost exclusively studied in blooming species and that clonal diversity frequently measure above 0.95 (i.e., 95% of individuals sampled are genetically different). Genetic diversity seems stable throughout blooms, suggesting that competitive exclusion is low or that new genetic material is frequently being introduced into populations. Further, we find high intraspecific trait‐variation in several key traits among coexisting strains but also that trait‐variation is often neglected in studies on phytoplankton, making coexistence difficult to predict.


approach, asexual reproduction, availability, bloom, bloom species, clonal diversity, coexistence, coexisting genotypes, coexisting individuals, coexisting strains, community, competitive environment, competitive exclusion, decades, difficulties, diversity, drastic increase, environment, environmental fluctuations, exclusion, fluctuations, genetic diversity, genetic material, genetic techniques, genetic variation, genotypes, increase, individuals, information, interspecies, interspecies level, intraspecific genetic diversity, levels, materials, mechanism, minutes, model, morphological variation, mutations, neutral mutations, phenotype, phenotypic variation, phytoplankton, phytoplankton community, phytoplankton populations, population, questions, reproduction, resources, results, review, species, strain, study, technique, trade-offs, trait diversity, trait-based approach, trait-based models, traits, trait‐variation, variation


  • Carlsberg Foundation
  • The Velux Foundations

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