Article, 2024

Micro-cosmos model of a nucleon

Modern Physics Letters A, ISSN 0217-7323, 1793-6632, Volume 39, 12, Page 2450053, 10.1142/s0217732324500536


Andersen, Michael Cramer 0000-0002-6868-7246 [1]


  1. [1] Christianshavns Gymnasium, Prinsessegade 35, DK-1422 Copenhagen, Denmark
  2. [NORA names: Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


This study explores the age-old quest to construct a geometric model of a quantum particle. While static classical particle models have largely been dismissed, the focus has now shifted to intricate dynamic models that hold the promise of reconciling general relativity with quantum mechanics. We propose that matter particles can be described as radiation confined within dynamically curved spacetime regions, without the need for quantization of space and time, and using standard field equations and natural Planck units. Specifically, we investigate a cyclic or oscillating radiation-dominated micro-cosmos undergoing repeated bouncing. Our methodology employs integration, with carefully defined initial conditions. The results include several observable properties characteristic of quantum particles. We calculate the total mass, revealing a compelling inverse proportionality between mass and radius identical with the de Broglie relationship. Applying this model to protons, we discover a profound and surprisingly simple relationship between the proton’s radius and mass expressed in Planck units. This enables a definition of the proton radius that aligns remarkably well with the 2018 CODATA value. Furthermore, our analysis demonstrates that the radial density profile of the proton (or nucleon), averaged over a cycle time, increases toward the center. The problem of embedding the micro-cosmos within a background spacetime is also described. These results underscore the relevance of general relativity in the domain of nuclear physics. Moreover, the model offers a fresh perspective that can stimulate new ideas in the ongoing quest to unify general relativity with quantum physics.


Broglie relationship, CODATA, CODATA value, Planck units, analysis, background, background spacetime, bounce, center, conditions, cycle, cycle time, definition, density profile, domain, domain of nuclear physics, dynamic model, dynamics, equations, field equations, focus, fresh perspective, geometric model, ideas, initial conditions, integration, inverse proportion, mass, matter, matter particles, mechanism, methodology, micro-cosmos, model, new ideas, nuclear physics, nucleon, particle model, particles, perspective, physics, problem, profile, properties, proportion, proton, proton radius, quantization, quantum mechanics, quantum particle, quantum physics, radial density profile, radiation, radius, region, relations, relationship, relevance, results, spacetime, spacetime regions, standard field equations, stimulate new ideas, study, time, total mass, units, values

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