Article, 2024

HighNESS conceptual design report: Volume II. The NNBAR experiment.

Journal of Neutron Research, ISSN 1023-8166, 1477-2655, Volume 25, 3-4, Pages 315-406, 10.3233/jnr-230951


Santoro, Valentina 0000-0001-5379-8771 [1] [2] Abou El Kheir, O. [3] Acharya, D. [3] Akhyani, Mina [4] Andersen, K.H. [5] Barrow, J. [6] [7] Bentley, Phillip Martin [2] Bernasconi, M. [3] Bertelsen, Mads F 0000-0002-2109-1226 [2] Beßler, Yannick [8] Bianchi, A. [2] Brooijmans, G. [9] Broussard, L. [5] Bryś, Tomasz [2] Busi, Matteo 0000-0001-8195-7477 [10] Campi, D. [3] Chambon, Amalia 0000-0002-3733-3226 [11] Chen, J. [8] Czamler, Valentin [12] Deen, Pascale Petronella 0000-0002-0204-0802 [2] Dijulio, Douglas D [2] Dian, Eszter [13] [14] Draskovits, L. [13] Dunne, K. [15] El-Barbari, Monia [8] Ferreira, M.J. [2] Fierlinger, P. [16] Fröst, V T [17] Folsom, Benjamin Tyler 0000-0002-8809-0236 [2] [3] Friman-Gayer, Udo 0000-0003-2590-5052 [2] Gaye, A [2] Gorini, G. [3] Gustafsson, A [17] Gutberlet, Thomas 0000-0002-6194-2259 [8] Happe, C [8] Han, X [18] [19] [20] Hartl, Monika A 0000-0002-6601-7273 [2] Holl, Matthias [2] Jackson, A. [2] Kemp, E. [21] Kamyshkov, Y. [22] Kittelmann, Thomas 0000-0002-7396-4922 [2] Klinkby, Esben Bryndt 0000-0002-1908-5644 [11] Kolevatov, R [23] Laporte, S.I. [3] Lauritzen, Bent 0000-0001-7173-1650 [11] Lejon, W [15] Linander, Rikard [2] Lindroos, Mats [2] Marko, M [13] Márquez Damián, José Ignacio [2] McClanahan, T.C. [5] Meirose, Bernhard 0000-0003-0032-7022 [1] [15] Mezei, F [14] Michel, Katrin [2] Milstead, D. [15] Muhrer, Gunter 0000-0002-4571-6390 [2] Nepomuceno, A. [24] Neshvizhevsky, V [12] Nilsson, T. [25] Odén, Ulf [2] Plivelic, Tomás S [1] Ramic, Kemal 0000-0002-3495-9821 [2] Rataj, Blahoslav [1] [2] Remec, Igor 0000-0001-8429-1017 [5] Rizzi, N. [11] Rogers, J. [22] Rosenthal, E. [8] Rosta, L [13] Rücker, Ulrich [8] Samothrakitis, Stavros 0000-0002-1382-3976 [10] Schreyer, A. [26] Selknaes, J R [2] Shuai, Ha [14] Silverstein, S. [15] Snow, W.M. [27] Strobl, M. [10] Strothmann, Mathias [8] Takibayev, Alan [2] Wagner, Richard 0000-0001-8793-0507 [12] Willendrup, Peter Kjær 0000-0002-4238-9478 [2] [11] Xu, S. [2] Yiu, S.C. [15] Yngwe, L. [17] Young, Albert R 0000-0002-7326-7414 [28] Wolke, M. [29] Zakalek, Paul [8] Zavorka, L [5] Zanini, Luca 0000-0002-0489-0624 [2] Zimmer, Oliver [12]


  1. [1] Lund University
  2. [NORA names: Sweden; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] European Spallation Source ERIC
  4. [NORA names: Sweden; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] University of Milano-Bicocca
  6. [NORA names: Italy; Europe, EU; OECD];
  7. [4] École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
  8. [NORA names: Switzerland; Europe, Non-EU; OECD];
  9. [5] Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  10. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD];


A key aim of the HighNESS project for the European Spallation Source is to enable cutting-edge particle physics experiments. This volume presents a conceptual design report for the NNBAR experiment. NNBAR would exploit a new cold lower moderator to make the first search in over thirty years for free neutrons converting to anti-neutrons. The observation of such a baryon-number-violating signature would be of fundamental significance and tackle open questions in modern physics, including the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry. This report shows the design of the beamline, supermirror focusing system, magnetic and radiation shielding, and anti-neutron detector necessary for the experiment. A range of simulation programs are employed to quantify the performance of the experiment and show how background can be suppressed. For a search with full background suppression, a sensitivity improvement of three orders of magnitude is expected, as compared with the previous search. Civil engineering studies for the NNBAR beamline are also shown, as is a costing model for the experiment.


Conceptual Design Report, Design Report, European, European Spallation Source, High, Spallation Source, anti-neutrons, asymmetry, background, beamline, civil engineering studies, cost, cost model, design, detector, engineering studies, experiments, free neutrons, highest projection, improvement, low-moderate, magnitude, matter-antimatter asymmetry, model, moderately, modern physics, neutron, observations, origin, particle physics experiments, performance, physical experiments, physics, program, project, radiation, radiation shielding, reports, search, sensitivity, sensitivity improvement, shielding, signature, significance, simulation, simulation program, source, study, suppression, system, volume, years

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