open access publication

Chapter, 2024

Il lavoro agricolo tra ideologia e realtà: Columella

Idee di lavoro e di ozio per la nostra civiltà 979-12-215-0245-9, 979-12-215-0319-7, Pages 115-123

Editors: Giovanni Mari; Francesco Ammannati; Brogi Stefano; Tiziana Faitini; Arianna Fermani; Francesco Seghezzi; Annalisa Tonarelli

Series: Studi e saggi ISSN 2704-5919, 2704-6478, 2704-5919, 2704-6478, Volume 257, Pages 115-123

Publisher: Firenze University Press

DOI: 10.36253/979-12-215-0319-7.15


Carlsen, Jesper 0000-0002-0423-0909 [1]


  1. [1] University of Southern Denmark
  2. [NORA names: SDU University of Southern Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


The point of departure of this paper is the most comprehensive introduction to Roman farming of the four preserved Latin agricultural writers from antiquity. It is written by Columella, and the article presents a short biography of him before an analysis of his manual. Columella emphasizes the importance of the owner’s personal participation in the running of the estate, but it is also implied that the owner normally did not live permanently on the estates described by in the agricultural handbook. The labour force was slave under supervision of a bailiff, who him self was a slave. The handbook contain instructions for almost all tasks on a farm, including management and receipts. The most interesting part is in many respects the advices concerning the exploitation and intensification of the slaves and their work.


Handbook, Roman farming, advice, agricultural writers, analysis, antiquity, article, bailiffs, columella, comprehensive introduction, estate, exploitation, farms, force, instruction, intensification, introduction, labor, labor force, management, manually, owners, participants, personal participation, receipt, running, slave, supervision, task, writers

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