open access publication

Article, 2024

Recovering short DNA fragments from minerals and marine sediments: A comparative study evaluating lysis and isolation approaches

Environmental DNA, ISSN 2637-4943, Volume 6, 2, 10.1002/edn3.547


Gande, Darjan (Corresponding author) [1] Hassenrück, Christiane 0000-0003-1909-1726 [1] [2] Žure, Marina [3] Richter-Heitmann, Tim 0000-0002-2791-7252 [1] Willerslev, Eske 0000-0002-7081-6748 [1] [3] [4] Friedrich, Michael W 0000-0002-8055-3232 (Corresponding author) [1]


  1. [1] University of Bremen
  2. [NORA names: Germany; Europe, EU; OECD];
  3. [2] Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research
  4. [NORA names: Germany; Europe, EU; OECD];
  5. [3] University of Copenhagen
  6. [NORA names: KU University of Copenhagen; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  7. [4] University of Cambridge
  8. [NORA names: United Kingdom; Europe, Non-EU; OECD]


Abstract Marine sediments as excellent climate archives, contain among other biomolecules substantial amounts of extracellular DNA. Through mineral binding, some of the DNA remains protected from degradation which aids its preservation. While this pool of DNA represents genomic ecosystem fingerprints spanning over millions of years, the capability of current DNA extraction methods in recovering mineral‐bound DNA remains poorly understood. We evaluated current sedimentary DNA extraction approaches and their ability to recover short DNA fragments from artificially created DNA‐mineral complexes involving pure clay minerals or quartz, as well as from different types of natural marine sediments. We separately investigated lysis (DNA release) and isolation steps (purification of DNA) comparing five different lysis buffers across two commonly used DNA isolation approaches: silica magnetic beads and liquid‐phase organic extraction and purification. The choice of lysis buffer significantly impacted the amount of recovered mineral‐bound DNA and facilitated selective desorption of DNA fragments. High molarity EDTA and phosphate lysis buffers recovered on average an order of magnitude more DNA from clay minerals than other tested buffers, while both isolation approaches recovered comparable amounts of DNA. In marine sediments, however, liquid‐phase organic extraction caused inhibitory effects in subsequent downstream applications (e.g., PCR), across all assessed DNA extracts, while silica magnetic beads induced inhibition only in half of the tested DNA extracts. Thus, the isolation approach, together with the lysis buffer, played a decisive role in successful library preparation with lysis buffer choice ultimately impacting final library fragment distribution. With this study, we underscore the critical importance of lysis buffer selection to maximize the recovery of mineral‐bound DNA and show its profound impact on recovered fragment lengths in sedimentary DNA extractions, a crucial factor alongside existing isolation approaches in facilitating high‐quality DNA extracts for downstream analysis related to ancient environmental DNA research.


Abstract, DNA, DNA extraction, DNA extraction approach, DNA extraction method, DNA fragmentation, DNA release, DNA research, EDTA, amount, applications, approach, archival, beads, binding, biomolecules, buffer, buffer choice, buffer selection, capability, choice, clay, clay minerals, climate archives, complex, degradation, desorption, distribution, downstream applications, effect, environmental DNA research, extracellular DNA, extraction, extraction approach, extraction method, factors, fingerprint, fragment distribution, fragment length, fragments, impact, inhibition, inhibitory effect, isolates, isolation approach, isolation step, length, library, library preparation, lysis, lysis buffer, magnetic beads, magnitude, marine, marine sediments, method, mineral binding, minerals, molarity EDTA, natural marine sediments, organic extracts, phosphate, pool, pools of DNA, preparation, preservation, purification, quartz, recovery, release, research, sediments, selection, short DNA fragments, silica, steps, study, substantial amounts, tested DNA extracts, tested buffers, years


  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
  • Interface (United States)

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