open access publication

Article, 2024

High-Temperature Reaction Mechanism of NH3‑SCR over Cu-CHA: One or Two Copper Ions?

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, ISSN 1932-7447, 1932-7455, Volume 128, 16, Pages 6689-6701, 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c00554


Feng, Yingxin 0000-0002-5817-4391 (Corresponding author) [1] Janssens, Ton V W 0000-0002-1225-0942 [2] Vennestrøm, Peter Nicolai Ravnborg 0000-0002-6744-5640 [2] Jansson, Jonas [3] Skoglundh, Magnus 0000-0001-7946-7137 [1] Grönbeck, Henrik J 0000-0002-8709-2889 (Corresponding author) [1]


  1. [1] Chalmers University of Technology
  2. [NORA names: Sweden; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Umicore Denmark ApS, DK-2970, Hørsholm, Denmark
  4. [NORA names: Other Companies; Private Research; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] Volvo (Sweden)
  6. [NORA names: Sweden; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Cu-exchanged chabazite (Cu-CHA) shows good performance for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides using NH3 as a reducing agent (NH3-SCR). The temperature dependence of the activity has a characteristic nonmonotonic behavior with a minimum in the range 300–350 °C. The minimum signals that different reaction mechanisms or active sites dominate at low and high temperatures. The low-temperature mechanism is believed to occur over a pair of mobile [Cu­(NH3)2]+ complexes, whereas the high-temperature mechanism should proceed over framework-bound Cu ions. To explore the NH3-SCR reaction over framework-bound Cu ions, we use first-principles calculations combined with mean-field microkinetic simulations. We find that the reaction proceeds over a single framework-bound Cu ion and that the first step is NO and O2 coadsorption. The coadsorption competes with NH3 adsorption, and the NH3-SCR rate is largely determined by the adsorption energy of NH3. Combining the high-temperature kinetic model with our previous low-temperature model for NH3-SCR over pairs of mobile [Cu­(NH3)2]+ complexes makes it possible to describe the nonmonotonic behavior of the reaction rate. The work provides a detailed mechanistic understanding of the role and transformation of different forms of Cu ions during low- and high-temperature standard SCR in Cu-CHA.


Cu ions, Cu-CHA, Cu-exchanged chabazite, NH3, NH3 adsorption, NH3-SCR, NH3-SCR reaction, NO, O2 coadsorption, SCR, active site, activity, adsorption, adsorption energy, adsorption energy of NH3, agents, behavior, calculations, catalytic reduction, catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides, chabazite, coadsorption, complex, copper, copper ions, dependence, first-principles calculations, high temperature, high temperature kinetic models, high-temperature mechanism, high-temperature reaction mechanism, ions, kinetic model, low-temperature mechanism, low-temperature models, mechanism, mechanism of NH3-SCR, microkinetic simulations, minimum, minimum signal, model, nitrogen oxides, nonmonotonic behavior, oxidation, pairs, performance, rate, reaction, reaction mechanism, reaction mechanism of NH3-SCR, reaction rate, reducing agent, reduction of nitrogen oxides, role, signal, simulation, sites, standard SCR, temperature, temperature dependence, transformation


  • Swedish Energy Agency

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