open access publication

Article, 2024

Pharmacological Activation of PDC Flux Reverses Lipid-Induced Inhibition of Insulin Action in Muscle During Recovery From Exercise.

Diabetes, ISSN 1939-327X, 0012-1797, Volume 73, 7, Pages 1072-1083, 10.2337/db23-0879


Carl, Christian Strini 0000-0002-9551-5837 [1] Jensen, Marie M [2] Sjøberg, Kim Anker 0000-0001-6880-4804 [1] Constantin-Teodosiu, Dumitru 0000-0002-8448-5564 [3] [4] Hill, Ian R [3] [4] Kjøbsted, Rasmus 0000-0002-0628-4994 [1] Greenhaff, Paul Leonard 0000-0003-4403-0490 [3] [4] Wojtaszewski, Jørgen F P 0000-0001-8185-3408 [1] Richter, Erik Arne 0000-0002-6850-3056 [1] Fritzen, Andreas Maechel 0000-0001-8793-9739 [1] Kiens, Bente Elisabeth 0000-0001-5705-5625 [1]


  1. [1] University of Copenhagen
  2. [NORA names: KU University of Copenhagen; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Steno Diabetes Center
  4. [NORA names: Steno Diabetes Centers; Hospital; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] Queen's Medical Centre
  6. [NORA names: United Kingdom; Europe, Non-EU; OECD];
  7. [4] University of Nottingham
  8. [NORA names: United Kingdom; Europe, Non-EU; OECD]


Insulin resistance is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, and exercise can improve insulin sensitivity. However, following exercise, high circulating fatty acid (FA) levels might counteract this. We hypothesized that such inhibition would be reduced by forcibly increasing carbohydrate oxidation through pharmacological activation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC). Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake was examined with a crossover design in healthy young men (n = 8) in a previously exercised and a rested leg during a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp 5 h after one-legged exercise with 1) infusion of saline, 2) infusion of intralipid imitating circulating FA levels during recovery from whole-body exercise, and 3) infusion of intralipid + oral PDC activator, dichloroacetate (DCA). Intralipid infusion reduced insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by 19% in the previously exercised leg, which was not observed in the contralateral rested leg. Interestingly, this effect of intralipid in the exercised leg was abolished by DCA, which increased muscle PDC activity (130%) and flux (acetylcarnitine 130%) and decreased inhibitory phosphorylation of PDC on Ser293 (∼40%) and Ser300 (∼80%). Novel insight is provided into the regulatory interaction between glucose and lipid metabolism during exercise recovery. Coupling exercise and PDC flux activation upregulated the capacity for both glucose transport (exercise) and oxidation (DCA), which seems necessary to fully stimulate insulin-stimulated glucose uptake during recovery. ARTICLE HIGHLIGHTS:


FA, FA levels, Intralipid, Intralipid infusion, Novel insights, PDC activity, Ser293, Ser300, action, activity, capacity, carbohydrate oxidation, complex, couple exercises, coupling, crossover, crossover design, decreased inhibitory phosphorylation, dehydrogenase complex, design, dichloroacetate, effect, effects of Intralipid, exercise, exercise recovery, exercising leg, factors, flux, flux activity, glucose, glucose transport, glucose uptake, healthy young men, improved insulin sensitivity, increased carbohydrate oxidation, infusion, infusion of Intralipid, infusion of saline, inhibition, inhibition of insulin action, insights, insulin, insulin action, insulin resistance, insulin sensitivity, insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, interaction, leg, levels, lipid, lipid metabolism, men, metabolism, muscle, muscle PDC activation, one-legged exercise, oxidation, pharmacological activities, phosphorylation of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, pyruvate, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, recovery, regulatory interactions, resistance, resting leg, risk, risk factors, saline, sensitivity, transport, type, type 2 diabetes, uptake, whole-body exercise, young men


  • Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science
  • Lundbeck Foundation
  • Novo Nordisk (Denmark)
  • University of Copenhagen

Data Provider: Digital Science