open access publication

Article, 2024

Synthesis of eco-friendly multifunctional dextran microbeads for multiplexed assays

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, ISSN 0021-9797, 1095-7103, Volume 666, Pages 603-614, 10.1016/j.jcis.2024.04.061


Zhang, Jing [1] Zheng, Tao 0000-0002-0626-4344 (Corresponding author) [1] Helalat, Seyed Hossein 0000-0002-1181-9551 [1] Yesibolati, Murat Nulati 0000-0002-0053-4147 [1] Sun, Yi 0000-0002-0210-4730 (Corresponding author) [1]


  1. [1] Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


There has been an increasing demand for simultaneous detection of multiple analytes in one sample. Microbead-based platforms have been developed for multiplexed assays. However, most of the microbeads are made of non-biodegradable synthetic polymers, leading to environmental and human health concerns. In this study, we developed an environmentally friendly dextran microbeads as a new type of multi-analyte assay platform. Biodegradable dextran was utilized as the primary material. Highly uniform magnetic dextran microspheres were successfully synthesized using the Shirasu porous glass (SPG) membrane emulsification technique. To enhance the amount of surface functional groups for ligand conjugation, we coated the dextran microbeads with a layer of dendrimers via a simple electrostatic adsorption process. Subsequently, a unique and efficient click chemistry coupling technique was developed for the fluorescence encoding of the microspheres, enabling multiplexed detection. The dextran microbeads were tested for 3-plex cytokine analysis, and exhibited excellent biocompatibility, stable coding signals, low background noise and high sensitivity.


Shirasu, Shirasu porous glass, adsorption process, amount, amount of surface functional groups, analysis, analytes, assay, assay platform, background noise, biocompatibility, biodegradable dextran, coded signal, concerns, conjugate, coupling technique, cytokine analysis, demand, dendrimers, detection, detection of multiple analytes, dextran, dextran microbeads, dextran microspheres, electrostatic adsorption process, emulsification technique, encoding, excellent biocompatibility, fluorescence, fluorescence encoding, functional groups, glass, group, health concern, human health concerns, increasing demand, layer, ligand, ligand conjugation, low background noise, materials, membrane, membrane emulsification technique, microbeads, microspheres, multiple analytes, multiplex assay, multiplexed detection, noise, non-biodegradable synthetic polymers, platform, polymer, porous glass, primary material, process, samples, sensitivity, signal, simultaneous detection, simultaneous detection of multiple analytes, study, surface functional groups, synthesis, synthetic polymers, technique


  • Novo Nordisk Foundation

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