open access publication

Article, 2024

The critical roles of three sugar-related proteins (HXK, SnRK1, TOR) in regulating plant growth and stress responses

Horticulture Research, ISSN 2662-6810, 2052-7276, Volume 11, 6, Page uhae099, 10.1093/hr/uhae099


Li, Guangshuo [1] [2] Zhao, Ying 0000-0002-3556-3300 (Corresponding author) [2]


  1. [1] University of Copenhagen
  2. [NORA names: KU University of Copenhagen; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Ningxia University
  4. [NORA names: China; Asia, East]


Sugar signaling is one of the most critical regulatory signals in plants, and its metabolic network contains multiple regulatory factors. Sugar signal molecules regulate cellular activities and organism development by combining with other intrinsic regulatory factors and environmental inputs. HXK, SnRK1, and TOR are three fundamental proteins that have a pivotal role in the metabolism of sugars in plants. HXK, being the initial glucose sensor discovered in plants, is renowned for its multifaceted characteristics. Recent investigations have unveiled that HXK additionally assumes a significant role in plant hormonal signaling and abiotic stress. SnRK1 serves as a vital regulator of growth under energy-depleted circumstances, whereas TOR, a large protein, acts as a central integrator of signaling pathways that govern cell metabolism, organ development, and transcriptome reprogramming in response to diverse stimuli. Together, these two proteins work to sense upstream signals and modulate downstream signals to regulate cell growth and proliferation. In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of research on these three proteins, particularly on TOR and SnRK1. Furthermore, studies have found that these three proteins not only regulate sugar signaling but also exhibit certain signal crosstalk in regulating plant growth and development. This review provides a comprehensive overview and summary of the basic functions and regulatory networks of these three proteins. It aims to serve as a reference for further exploration of the interactions between these three proteins and their involvement in co-regulatory networks.


HXK, SnRK1, Tor, abiotic stresses, activity, amount of research, cell growth, cell metabolism, cells, cellular activities, central integration, characteristics, circumstances, co-regulatory network, comprehensive overview, crosstalk, development, diverse stimuli, downstream signaling, environmental inputs, exploration, factors, function, fundamental proteins, glucose, glucose sensor, growth, hormone signaling, increasing amount, increasing amount of research, input, integration of signaling pathways, interaction, intrinsic regulatory factors, investigation, involvement, metabolic networks, metabolism, metabolism of sugars, modulates downstream signaling, molecules, multifaceted characteristics, network, organ development, organization, overview, pathway, plant growth, plant hormone signaling, plants, proliferation, protein, regulate cell growth, regulating plant growth, regulatory factors, regulatory networks, regulatory signals, reprogramming, research, response, response to diverse stimuli, review, sensor, signal, signaling crosstalk, signaling molecules, signaling pathway, stimuli, stress, stress response, study, sugar, sugar signaling, sugar signaling molecule, summary, transcriptome, transcriptome reprogramming, years

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