open access publication

Article, 2024

Alcohol – a scoping review for Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023

Food & Nutrition Research, ISSN 1654-6628, 1654-661X, Volume 68, 10.29219/fnr.v68.10540


Thelle, Dag Steinar (Corresponding author) [1] Grønbæk, Morten [2]


  1. [1] University of Oslo
  2. [NORA names: Norway; Europe, Non-EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] University of Southern Denmark
  4. [NORA names: SDU University of Southern Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


The objective of this scoping review is to evaluate the updated evidence on the consumption of alcohol and health outcomes regarded as relevant for the Nordic and Baltic countries, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all-cause mortality. It is based on the previous Nordic Nutrition Recommendations of 2012 and relevant papers published until 31 May 2021. Current evidence from mainly observational epidemiological studies suggests that regular, moderate alcohol consumption may confer protective effects against myocardial infarction (MI) and type 2 diabetes. Mendelian randomization analyses do not fully support these findings, possibly because these analyses may fail to identify low alcohol intake. For several cancers, it is not possible to set any safe limit. All-cause mortality is not increased with light to moderate alcohol intake in middle-aged and older adults who do not engage in binge drinking. Total abstinence is associated with the lowest risk of mortality in young adults. Observational studies on alcohol consumption are hampered by a number of inherent methodological issues such as ascertainment of alcohol intake, selection of appropriate exposure groups, and insufficient control of confounding variables, colliders, and mediators. It should also be emphasized that there is a socio-economic contribution to the alcohol-health axis with a stronger detrimental effect of alcohol in the lower social classes. The above issues contribute to the complexity of unravelling the causal web between alcohol, mediators, confounders, and health outcome.


Baltic, Baltic countries, Collider, Mendelian randomization analysis, Nordic, Nordic Nutrition Recommendations, Web, abstinence, adults, alcohol, alcohol consumption, alcohol intake, all-cause mortality, analysis, ascertainment, axis, binge, binge drinking, cancer, cardiovascular disease, class, complex, confounding, confounding variables, consumption, consumption of alcohol, contribution, control, control of confounding variables, countries, detrimental effects of alcohol, disease, drinking, effect, effects of alcohol, epidemiological studies, evidence, exposure, exposure group, findings, group, health, health outcomes, infarction, intake, issues, low alcohol intake, low risk, low risk of mortality, lower social classes, mediators, methodological issues, middle-aged, moderate alcohol consumption, moderate alcohol intake, mortality, myocardial infarction, nutritional recommendations, objective, observational epidemiological studies, observational study, older adults, outcomes, paper, protective effect, randomization analysis, recommendations, risk of mortality, selection, social class, socio-economic contribution, stronger detrimental effect, study, type, type 2 diabetes, variables, young adults

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