Article, 2024

Abstract 2958: Melphalan-treated multiple myeloma cells exhibit a senescent-like dormancy phenotype

Cancer Research, ISSN 1538-7445, 0008-5472, Volume 84, 6_Supplement, Page 2958, 10.1158/1538-7445.am2024-2958


Guilatco, Angelo Jose [1] Diaz-del-Castillo, Marta [2] Borges, Gabriel Alvares 0000-0002-6700-8782 [1] Sannuli, Neal I. [1] Ritting, Megan L. [1] Aalam, Syed Mohammed Musheer 0000-0002-8566-197X [1] Kannan, Nagarajan 0000-0002-8825-2178 [1] Tchkonia, Tamar 0000-0003-4623-7145 [1] Kirkland, James L [1] Lin, Yi [1] Kourelis, Taxiarchis V [1] Drake, Matthew T 0000-0002-3662-7345 [1] Andersen, Thomas Levin 0000-0002-6981-7276 [2] Weivoda, Megan Moore [1]


  1. [1] Mayo Clinic
  2. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD];
  3. [2] Aarhus University Hospital
  4. [NORA names: Central Denmark Region; Hospital; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Abstract Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable plasma cell (PC) cancer in which all patients are expected to relapse. Cytotoxic agents such as high-dose melphalan (HDM), which is used as a myeloablative agent prior to autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) in MM, drive therapy-induced senescence (TIS) in non-cancerous tissues. We hypothesized that HDM similarly activates TIS pathways in surviving MM cells and this response may correlate with patient outcomes post-ASCT. To test this, we developed an in vitro model in which 5TGM1 mouse MM cells are cultured with 10uM melphalan (HDM) or vehicle (Veh) for 6 hours, followed by co-culture in normal media with primary mouse bone marrow stromal cells. Cultures were maintained for 10 days and imaged to quantify cumulative population doublings (CPDs). 5TGM1 were then isolated by FACS to measure telomere-associated DNA damage foci (TAFs), sensitivity to senolytic drugs, and senescence gene expression (RT-qPCR and scRNA-seq). To translate these studies, scRNA-seq was used to analyze CD138+ PCs from MM patient bone marrow post-ASCT. Additionally, longitudinal bone biopsies from MM patients at diagnosis and post-ASCT were stained for CD138+ PCs; PC burden was quantified using artificial intelligence assisted histology (HALO). HDM-5TGM1 exhibited stable growth arrest (decreased CPDs) and sustained DNA damage (increased TAFs) compared to Veh-5TGM1. HDM-5TGM1 were also significantly more sensitive to senolytic ablation (Dasatinib+Quercetin or Fisetin). HDM-5TGM1 showed increased senescence (Cdkn1a, Cdkn1c, Glb1), anti-apoptosis (Bcl2l1), and senescence associated secretory phenotype (Ccl5, Icam1, Mmp13) genes, as well as myeloid markers found to be increased in MM dormancy (Axl, Fcer1g, Mpeg1). Analysis by scRNA-seq revealed that HDM-5TGM1 were G0/G1 arrested, and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) confirmed upregulation of senescence pathways with downregulation of DNA replication and cell cycle pathways. Consistent with RT-qPCR results, these cells exhibited myeloid gene expression. Analysis of patient CD138+ PCs post-ASCT by scRNA-seq also revealed a myeloid-like cluster. Of interest, of the 491 genes upregulated in this cluster, 268 were also upregulated in HDM-5TGM1. CD138+ PCs could also be detected in patient bone biopsies post-ASCT, although PC burden was significantly reduced post-ASCT. Surprisingly, the percent reduction in PC burden post-ASCT was greater in relapsed (≤3 years) vs non-relapsed patients. Further, in relapsed patients, PC burden post-ASCT positively correlated with time in remission. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that HDM can induce senescence features and a myeloid-dormancy signature in surviving MM cells. This phenotype is associated with longer durable response, suggesting that activation of TIS may be a strategy to extend PFS. Further, senolytic therapy may be a novel approach to eliminate dormant MM cells and prevent relapse. Citation Format: Angelo Jose Guilatco, Marta Diaz-del-Castillo, Gabriel Alvares Borges, Neal I. Sannuli, Megan L. Ritting, Syed Mohammed Aalam, Nagarajan Kannan, Tamar Tchkonia, James L. Kirkland, Yi Lin, Taxiarchis Kourelis, Matthew T. Drake, Thomas Levin Andersen, Megan Weivoda. Melphalan-treated multiple myeloma cells exhibit a senescent-like dormancy phenotype [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2024; Part 1 (Regular Abstracts); 2024 Apr 5-10; San Diego, CA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2024;84(6_Suppl):Abstract nr 2958.


Abstract, Abstract Multiple myeloma, American, American Association for Cancer Research annual meetings, Annual Meeting, BCL2L1, CD138, Ca, DNA damage, DNA damage foci, DNA replication, Diego, FACS, G0/G1, MM cells, MM patients, PC burden, PFS, RT-qPCR results, San, San Diego, VEH, ablation, activity, agents, analysis, anti-apoptosis, arrest, autologous stem cell transplantation, biopsy, bone biopsy, bone marrow stromal cells, burden, cell cycle pathway, cell transplantation, cells, clusters, co-culture, culture, cumulative population doublings, cycle pathway, cytotoxic agents, damage, damage foci, days, diagnosis, dormancy, dormancy phenotype, doubling, downregulation, downregulation of DNA replication, drug, durable responses, enrichment analysis, expression, features, findings, focus, gene expression, gene set enrichment analysis, genes, growth arrest, halo, high-dose melphalan, histology, hours, in vitro model, increased senescence, markers, marrow stromal cells, medium, meeting, melphalan, model, mouse MM cells, mouse bone marrow stromal cells, multiple myeloma, multiple myeloma cells, myeloid gene expression, myeloid markers, myeloma, myeloma cells, non-cancerous tissues, non-relapsing patients, normal medium, pathway, patients, phenotype, plasma, plasma cells, population doublings, post-ASCT, prevent relapse, primary mouse bone marrow stromal cells, proceedings, reduction, relapse, relapsed patients, remission, replication, response, results, scRNA-seq, secretory phenotype, senescence, senescence pathways, senescent features, senolytic drugs, senolytic therapy, sensitivity, signature, stable growth arrest, stem cell transplantation, stromal cells, study, sustained DNA damage, therapy, therapy-induced senescence, tissue, transplantation, upregulation, vehicle, years

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