Article, 2024

Humanitarian hacking: Merging refugee aid and digital capitalism

Journal of Refugee Studies, ISSN 0951-6328, 1471-6925, Volume 37, 2, Pages 267-285, 10.1093/jrs/feae017


Henriksen, Sofie Elbæk 0000-0002-6822-8576 (Corresponding author) [1] [2]


  1. [1] Copenhagen Business School
  2. [NORA names: CBS Copenhagen Business School; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Danish Institute for International Studies
  4. [NORA names: DIIS Danish Institute for International Studies; Governmental Institutions; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Abstract Hackathons have become popular for helping refugees, among NGOs, volunteers, and corporations but their material impact has been limited. This article explores two Techfugees hackathons in Copenhagen organized with support from Google. The article conceptualizes humanitarian hacking as a space where refugee aid meets digital capitalism by examining the practices of ‘hacking the refugee crisis’ within the analytical framework of critical refugee and humanitarian innovation literature. Rather than providing novel digital solutions, hackathons reproduce existing imaginaries that cast digital technologies as effective, quick-fix solutions; tech companies as innovation experts and humanitarian actors; and refugees as entrepreneurial subjects not in need of aid but of platforms and market opportunities. Thus, while humanitarian hacking has limited impact for the intended beneficiaries, it produces value for hackathon participants and the sponsor organizations. Crucially, humanitarian hacking places tech companies at the forefront of humanitarian aid for refugees and reaffirms humanitarian innovation policy narratives and Silicon Valley corporate humanitarianism.


AIDS, Abstract, Copenhagen, Google, NGOs, actors, analytical framework, beneficiaries, capital, companies, corporations, crisis, digital capitalism, digital solutions, digital technologies, entrepreneurial subjects, experts, hackathon participants, hackathons, hacking, humanitarian actors, humanitarian aid, humanitarianism, imaginary, impact, innovation, innovation experts, innovation literature, intended beneficiaries, literature, market, market opportunities, material impact, materials, narratives, opportunities, organization, participants, platform, policy narratives, practice, quick-fix solutions, refugee aid, refugee crisis, refugees, silicon, solution, space, sponsoring organizations, sponsors, subjects, tech, tech companies, technology, volunteers


  • Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education

Data Provider: Digital Science