open access publication

Article, 2024

New insights into lamellar and twinning transformations in TiAl/Nb composites with core-shell structure during high temperature annealing

Materials Characterization, ISSN 1873-4189, 1044-5803, Volume 211, Page 113837, 10.1016/j.matchar.2024.113837


Shen, Jingyuan (Corresponding author) [1] [2] Hu, Lian-Xi (Corresponding author) [1] Cao, Zhuohan [3] Yu, Tian Bo 0000-0001-9525-9354 [2]


  1. [1] Harbin Institute of Technology
  2. [NORA names: China; Asia, East];
  3. [2] Technical University of Denmark
  4. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] UNSW Sydney
  6. [NORA names: Australia; Oceania; OECD]


Lamellar and twinning transformations play a crucial role in stabilizing the ordered phases in TiAl based composites for property improvement. In this work, we have systematically investigated the lamellar and twinning transformations in TiAl/Nb composites with core-shell structure and proposed novel insights on γ → α2 and γ → γT processes from an atomistic perspective. The results show that high temperature annealing facilitates the formation of lamellar microstructure including γ + α2 and γT twin lamellae in the vicinity of core/shell interface, due to rapid diffusion of principal atoms followed by atomic shuffling. Specifically, plenty of lenticular γT can nucleate in B2 regime by accidental misalignment of atoms on a 110 B 2 plane adhering to Kurdjumov-Sachs relationship, and then grow even into α2 lath driven by the release of internal stress via Shockley partial slips on the 111 γ plane. The formation of γT mediated by 9R involves γ → 9R and γ ← 9R → γT transformations. Among them, a full period of atomic stacking …ABC|BCA|CAB… (LPSO) can be achieved through three Shockley partials being sequentially activated on the C, A and B atomic layers in the stacking of …ABC|ABC|ABC… (L10) with the total shift of 3δA. Then 9R will change synchronously to γ and γT once the migrating Shockley partials react with Frank partials to yield a full dislocation, i.e., δA + Dδ→DA and δA + δC + δD→BD, which can also be considered as detwinning and twinning behaviors, respectively. Additionally, the transition of bulk γ to α2 or γT lamellae is closely associated with the stacking faults, i.e. whether the activated atomic layer is located at the boundary or periphery of the updated stacking fault region.


B atomic layer, B2 regime, Frank, Frank partials, GT, G′, Kurdjumov-Sachs, Kurdjumov–Sachs relationship, L10, LPSO, Shockley, Shockley partials, TiAl, accidental misalignment, annealing, atomic layers, atomic shuffling, atomic stacking, atomistic perspective, atoms, behavior, boundaries, composition, core-shell structure, core/shell interface, detwinning, diffusion, dislocation, fault, fault region, formation, formation of GT, formation of lamellar microstructure, g plane, high-temperature annealing, i., improvement, interface, internal stress, lamellae, lamellar microstructure, lathe, layer, microstructure, ordered phase, partial slip, partially, period, periphery, perspective, phase, properties, property improvement, regime, region, relationship, release, release of internal stresses, results, shift, shuffling, slip, stack, stacking fault region, stacking faults, stress, structure, temperature annealing, transformation, transition, twin, twin lamellae, twinning behavior, twinning transformation


  • National Natural Science Foundation of China
  • The Velux Foundations

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