open access publication

Article, 2024

Guardians of ableist family formation: the legitimation work of Danish abortion committees in cases of termination for fetal anomaly

BioSocieties, ISSN 1745-8552, 1745-8560, Pages 1-24, 10.1057/s41292-023-00319-6


Heinsen, Laura Louise 0000-0001-9832-7869 (Corresponding author) [1]


  1. [1] Aalborg University
  2. [NORA names: AAU Aalborg University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


In Denmark, pregnant persons have a statutory right to abortion on-demand in the first trimester of pregnancy, after which abortion must be sanctioned by a regional abortion committee and may be warranted if there is danger that the fetus will suffer a serious mental or physical disability, yet what precisely constitutes ‘danger’ and ‘seriousness’ are left in the hands of the juridical abortion system to interpret. In this article, I explore how jurists and doctors arrive at and legitimate the authorization of disability-selective abortion. Building on van Wichelen’s (Legitimating life: adoption in the age of globalization and biotechnology, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, 2019) concept of ‘legitimation work,’ I show how abortion committees make legal decisions by dividing and distributing the task of —and moral responsibility for—making life-ending decisions by leaning on established legal practice, what I refer to as bureaucratic legitimation work; risk estimates made by external medical experts, what I refer to as collaborative legitimation work; and the ethical panacea of individual autonomy and informed choice, what I refer to as ethopolitical legitimation work. I argue that in conjunction, these forms of legitimation work turn termination of almost every non-conforming fetus into legitimate acts, hereby safeguarding ableist family formation.


Committee, Denmark, abort system, abortion, anomalies, article, authors, autonomy, case of termination, cases, concept, conjunction, danger, decision, disability, doctors, estimation, ethical panacea, experts, family, family formation, fetal anomalies, fetuses, formation, guardians, hand, individual autonomy, jurists, legal decisions, legal practice, legitimation, legitimation work, life-ending decisions, medical experts, on-demand, panacea, persons, physical disability, practice, pregnancy, pregnant persons, rights, risk, risk estimates, seriousness, statutory rights, system, task, termination, trimester, trimester of pregnancy, work

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