Article, 2024

Combined onshore and offshore wide-scale seismic data acquisition and imaging for carbon capture and storage exploration in Havnsø, Denmark

Geophysics, ISSN 0016-8033, 1942-2156, Volume 89, 4, Pages b257-b272, 10.1190/geo2023-0503.1


Zappalá, Samuel 0000-0003-3402-6850 [1] Malehmir, Alireza 0000-0003-1241-2988 [1] Papadopoulou, Myrto 0000-0002-5112-2732 [1] Gregersen, Ulrik 0000-0001-5946-2582 [2] Funck, Thomas 0000-0003-3646-490X [2] Clausen, Ole Rønø 0000-0002-6825-9065 [3] Nørmark, Egon 0000-0001-5472-2736 [3]


  1. [1] Uppsala University
  2. [NORA names: Sweden; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
  4. [NORA names: GEUS Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland; Governmental Institutions; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] Aarhus University
  6. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Strong global actions for climate change include carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a feasible solution to reach carbon neutrality and raise opportunities for detailed subsurface investigations. An acquisition set-up designed for onshore-offshore zones was maximized for wide-scale high-resolution structural imaging and implemented to cover a domal structure of interest for CCS utilization close to the town of Havnsø (Denmark). The challenges of the combined acquisition and processing of land and marine multisensor data along a 42 km seismic profile are analyzed, the suggested solutions are applied, and the limitations are discussed. On the onshore side, a nodal array and a seismic landstreamer system were simultaneously used, whereas along the transition zone, a marine seismic streamer and ocean-bottom seismometers were added to record the seismic response generated by two seismic vibrator sources. The adopted sensing domains (velocity, acceleration, and pressure) were studied, and different processing steps were evaluated to enable their processing and subsequent data set merging. Results suggest, as the best approach, a separate prestack processing of the different data sets and the computation of new geometries and new surface-consistent residual static correction after their merging. The data acquired in the transition zone illuminate, for the first time, the subsurface geology of the region, delineating an expected domal closure. The final seismic section shows high continuity of the reflections with good resolution along the entire profile, identifying the main reservoir structure and the surrounding areas, which are important to ensure reservoir integrity and safe exploitation over longer time scales. Shallow and deep reflections are consistent with the stratigraphic column from a well log near the profile. The presented study shows a comprehensive workflow for processing such a multisensor data set in onshore and transition zone settings.


CCS, Combined acquisition, Denmark, Shallow, acquisition, acquisition set-up, action, area, array, capture, carbon, carbon capture, carbon neutrality, changes, climate, climate change, closure, column, combined onshore, comprehensive workflow, computer, continuity, correction, data, data acquisition, data sets, deep reflection, domain, domal structure, exploitation, exploration, geology, geometry, global action, high-resolution structural images, images, integration, investigation, land, limitations, marine, marine seismic streamers, merging, multisensor data, neutralization, nodal array, ocean bottom seismometers, offshore, onshore, onshore side, opportunities, prestack processing, process, process of land, processing steps, profile, reflection, region, reservoir, reservoir integrity, reservoir structure, residual static corrections, resolution, response, results, section, seismic data acquisition, seismic response, seismic sections, seismic streamer, seismometers, sensing, sensing domain, set-up, sets, side, solution, source, static corrections, steps, storage, storage exploration, stratigraphic column, streamers, structural imaging, structure, study, subsurface, subsurface geology, subsurface investigations, surface-consistent residual static corrections, surrounding area, system, town, transition, transition zone, utilization, vibration sources, workflow, zone, zone settings

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