Article, 2024

Mid-Infrared, Optically Active Black Phosphorus Thin Films on Centimeter Scale

Nano Letters, ISSN 1530-6984, 1530-6992, Volume 24, 10, Pages 3104-3111, 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c04894


Higashitarumizu, Naoki [1] [2] Kawashima, Tetsuya [3] Smart, Thomas [1] Yalisove, Reed [1] [2] Ho, Chun Yuen 0000-0001-6045-4715 [1] [2] [4] Madsen, Morten 0000-0001-6503-0479 [4] Chrzan, Daryl C 0000-0001-6957-2240 [1] [2] Scott, Mary Cooper 0000-0002-9543-6725 [1] [2] Jeanloz, Raymond [1] Yusa, Hitoshi 0000-0001-6980-9279 [3] Javey, Ali (Corresponding author) [1] [2]


  1. [1] University of California, Berkeley
  2. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD];
  3. [2] Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  4. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD];
  5. [3] National Institute for Materials Science
  6. [NORA names: Japan; Asia, East; OECD];
  7. [4] University of Southern Denmark
  8. [NORA names: SDU University of Southern Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Black phosphorus (BP) is a narrow bandgap (∼0.3 eV) semiconductor with a great potential for optoelectronic devices in the mid-infrared wavelength. However, it has been challenging to achieve a high-quality scalable BP thin film. Here we present the successful synthesis of optically active BP films on a centimeter scale. We utilize the pulsed laser deposition of amorphous red phosphorus, another allotrope of phosphorus, followed by a high-pressure treatment at ∼8 GPa to induce a phase conversion into BP crystals. The crystalline quality was improved through thermal annealing, resulting in the observation of photoluminescence emission at mid-infrared wavelengths. We demonstrate high-pressure conversion on a centimeter scale with a continuous film with a thickness of ∼18 nm using a flat-belt-type high-pressure apparatus. This synthesis procedure presents a promising route to obtain optical-quality BP films, enabling the exploration of integrated optoelectronic device applications such as light-emitting devices and mid-infrared cameras on a chip scale.


BP crystals, BP films, BP thin films, Centimeter, allotrope of phosphorus, allotropes, amorphous red phosphorus, annealing, apparatus, applications, bandgap, black phosphorus, black phosphorus thin films, camera, centimeter scale, chip, chip scale, continuous film, conversion, crystal, crystalline quality, device applications, devices, emission, exploration, films, high-pressure apparatus, high-pressure conversion, high-pressure treatment, light-emitting devices, mid-infrared, mid-infrared camera, mid-infrared wavelengths, narrow bandgap, observations, optics, optoelectronic device applications, optoelectronic devices, phase, phase conversion, phosphorus, photoluminescence emission, potential, procedure, pulsed laser deposition, quality, red phosphorus, scale, synthesis, synthesis procedure, thermal annealing, thickness, thin films, treatment, wavelength


  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  • Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education
  • Office of Basic Energy Sciences

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