Chapter, 2024

The INTEGRAL Mission

Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics 978-981-19-6959-1, 978-981-19-6960-7, Pages 2307-2352

Editors: Cosimo Bambi; Andrea Santangelo

Publisher: Springer Nature

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-6960-7_56


Kuulkers, Erik 0000-0002-5790-7290 (Corresponding author) [1] Laurent, Philippe 0000-0001-9094-0335 [2] Kretschmar, Peter 0000-0001-9840-2048 [3] Bazzano, Angela 0000-0002-2017-4396 [4] Brandt, Søren K 0000-0001-5689-3109 [5] Cadolle-Bel, Marion [6] Cangemi, Floriane [7] Coleiro, Alexis 0000-0003-0860-440X [8] Ehle, Matthias 0000-0002-2171-2926 [3] Ferrigno, Carlo 0000-0003-1429-1059 [9] Jourdain, Elisabeth [10] Mas-Hesse, José Miguel 0000-0002-8823-9723 [11] Molina, Manuela 0000-0003-0681-9984 [12] Roques, Jean-Pierre [10] Ubertini, Pietro [4]


  1. [1] European Space Research and Technology Centre
  2. [NORA names: Netherlands; Europe, EU; OECD];
  3. [2] CEA Paris-Saclay
  4. [NORA names: France; Europe, EU; OECD];
  5. [3] European Space Astronomy Centre
  6. [NORA names: Spain; Europe, EU; OECD];
  7. [4] IAPS/INAF, Rome, Italy
  8. [NORA names: Italy; Europe, EU; OECD];
  9. [5] Technical University of Denmark
  10. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];


The INTErnational Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL; Winkler et al. 2003; Kuulkers et al. 2021) was launched onboard a Proton-DM2 rocket on 17 October 2002 at 06:41 CEST, from Baikonur in Kazakhstan. The mission is currently providing long, uninterrupted observations (up to about 47 h per satellite orbit of 2.7 days) with a large field-of-view (fully coded: 100 deg2), millisecond time resolution, keV energy resolution, polarization measurements, in the hard X-ray to gamma-ray range, as well as additional wavelength coverage at X-ray and optical wavelengths. Besides the long, scheduled observations, INTEGRAL can rapidly (within a couple of hours) re-point and conduct Target of Opportunity Observations on a large variety of sources.INTEGRAL observations and their scientific results have been building an impressive legacy: the discovery of currently more than 600 new high-energy sources, first-ever direct detection of 56Ni and 56Co radioactive decay lines from a Type Ia supernova, spectroscopy of isotopes from galactic nucleosynthesis sources, new insights on the enigmatic positron annihilation in the galactic bulge and disk, and pioneering gamma-ray polarization studies. INTEGRAL is also a successful actor in the new multi-messenger astronomy introduced by non-electromagnetic signals from gravitational waves and from neutrinos: INTEGRAL, together with Fermi, observed the first prompt electromagnetic radiation in coincidence with a binary neutron-star merger.


Astrophysics Laboratory, Baikonur, CEST, Fermi, Galactic bulge, Ia supernovae, International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory, Kazakhstan, Opportunity observations, Target of Opportunity observations, Type Ia supernovae, X-ray, actors, annihilation, astronomy, binary neutron star mergers, bulge, coverage, decay line, detection, direct detection, discovery, disk, electromagnetic radiation, energy resolution, gamma-ray range, gravitational waves, hard X-rays, high-energy sources, impressive legacy, integral observer, integration, isotopes, keV, keV energy resolution, laboratory, legacy, lines, measurements, merger, millisecond time resolution, mission, multi-messenger astronomy, neutrinos, neutron star mergers, nucleosynthesis sources, observations, optical wavelengths, polarization, polarization measurements, polarization studies, positron, positron annihilation, radiation, radioactive decay line, range, re-pointing, resolution, results, rocket, scientific results, signal, source, spectroscopy, study, supernova, target, time resolution, type, wave, wavelength, wavelength coverage


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