Article, 2024

Experimental Over-the-Air Diagnosis of 1-Bit RIS Based on Complex Signal Measurements

IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, ISSN 1548-5757, 1536-1225, Volume PP, 99, Pages 1-5, 10.1109/lawp.2024.3367377


Li, Yifa [1] Zhang, Fengchun 0000-0003-0957-1232 [1] Olesen, Kim [1] Ying, Zhinong [1] Fan, Wei [2]


  1. [1] Aalborg University
  2. [NORA names: AAU Aalborg University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Southeast University
  4. [NORA names: China; Asia, East]


The reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), is regarded as a promising technology for enhancing wireless system performance. The RIS design typically comprises a substantial number of cost-effective RIS elements. RIS diagnosis, which aims at identifying faulty RIS elements, is essential to ensure the RIS functions as intended. In this letter, a low-cost, robust, fast, yet highly effective over-the-air (OTA) diagnosis method based on complex signal measurements is proposed to detect the faulty phase shifters in passive 1-bit RISs. This method only requires a phase inversion operation (i.e., $0^{o}$ and $180^{o}$ phase states) for each RIS element. The algorithm is experimentally validated using a commercial RIS operating at 3.5 GHz in a mid-field anechoic measurement setup, (i.e., with a measurement distance much smaller than the Fraunhofer far-field distance of the RIS) demonstrating its effectiveness and robustness in practical setups.


RIS design, RIS elements, algorithm, complex, design, diagnosis, diagnosis method, effect, elements, function, intelligent surface, inverse operation, letter, low cost, measurement setup, measurements, method, operation, over-the-air, performance, phase, phase shifter, practical setup, reconfigurable intelligent surface, robustness, setup, shifter, signal measurements, surface, system performance, technology, wireless system performance

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