open access publication

Article, 2024

Potential impacts of cable bacteria activity on hard-shelled benthic foraminifera: implications for their interpretation as bioindicators or paleoproxies

Biogeosciences, ISSN 1726-4170, 1726-4189, Volume 21, 4, Pages 911-928, 10.5194/bg-21-911-2024


Daviray, Maxime (Corresponding author) [1] Geslin, Emmanuelle [1] Risgaard-Petersen, Nils 0000-0002-2767-2080 [2] Scholz, Vincent V 0000-0002-7258-3511 [2] Fouet, Marie P A 0000-0002-6137-6349 [3] Metzger, Edouard 0000-0002-5838-4540 [1]


  1. [1] University of Angers
  2. [NORA names: France; Europe, EU; OECD];
  3. [2] Aarhus University
  4. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] University of Bordeaux
  6. [NORA names: France; Europe, EU; OECD]


Abstract. Hard-shelled foraminifera are protists able to build a calcareous or agglutinated shell (called a “test”). Here we study the impact of sediment acidification on calcareous test preservation. For this study, sediment cores were sampled in the macrotidal Auray estuary located on the French Atlantic coast. Living and dead foraminifera were quantified until 5 cm depth and discriminated using the Cell-Tracker™ Green vital marker. The pH and oxygen profiles combined with quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) suggested that cable bacteria were most likely to cause the acidifying process. Cable bacteria (CB) are filamentous bacteria coupling sulfide oxidation to oxygen reduction over centimetre distances, generating a strong pH gradient within the first few centimetres of the sediment that could affect the microhabitats occupied by benthic foraminifera. On two different intertidal mudflats, volumetric filament densities have been estimated. They were comparable to those observed in the literature for coastal environments, with 7.4 ± 0.4 and 74.4 ± 5.0 m cm−3 per bulk sediment, respectively. Highly contrasting sediment acidification (from low to very intense) was described from 1.0 to 2.4 ΔpH. This seems to lead to various dissolution stages of the foraminiferal calcareous test from intact to fully dissolved tests revealing the organic lining. The dissolution scale is based on observations of living Ammonia spp. and Haynesina germanica specimens under a scanning electronic microscope. Furthermore, dead foraminiferal assemblages showed a strong calcareous test loss and an organic lining accumulation throughout depth under low pH, hampering the test preservation in deep sediment. These changes in both living and dead foraminiferal assemblages suggest that cable bacteria must be considered in ecological monitoring and historical studies using foraminifera as bioindicators and paleoenvironmental proxies.


Ammonia spp, Atlantic coast, French, French Atlantic coast, Haynesina, accumulation, acidification, acidifying process, activity, agglutinated shells, assemblages, bacteria, bacteria activity, benthic foraminifera, bioindicators, cable, cable bacteria, cable bacteria activity, calcareous tests, cell tracking, chain reaction, changes, cm-3, coast, coastal environments, core, dead foraminifera, dead foraminiferal assemblages, deep sediments, density, depth, dissolution, dissolution stage, dissolving test, distance, ecological monitoring, electron microscope, environment, estuary, filament density, foraminifera, foraminiferal assemblages, gradient, hard-shelled foraminifera, historical studies, impact, interpretation, intertidal mudflats, lines, literature, living, loss, low pH, markers, microhabitat, microscope, monitoring, mudflat, observations, organic linings, oxygen, oxygen profiles, oxygen reduction, pH, pH gradient, paleoenvironmental proxies, paleoproxies, polymerase chain reaction, potential impact, preservation, process, profile, protists, proxies, quantitative polymerase chain reaction, reaction, reduction, scale, scanning, scanning electron microscope, sediment acidification, sediment cores, sediments, shell, specimens, spp, stage, study, test, test loss, tested preservatives, vital marker


  • French National Centre for Scientific Research

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