Article, 2024

Startup Analysis and Design of Self-Powered Auxiliary Power Supply in Input-Series System With Small Submodule Capacitance

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, ISSN 1557-9948, 0278-0046, Volume 71, 10, Pages 12539-12548, 10.1109/tie.2024.3357873


Wang, Rui 0000-0003-4217-7042 [1] Jørgensen, Asger Bjørn 0000-0003-2171-4531 [2] Liu, Wentao 0000-0002-4241-5170 (Corresponding author) [2] Zhao, Hongbo 0000-0002-0043-0030 [2] Nee, Hans-Peter 0000-0002-1755-1365 [3] Munk-Nielsen, Stig [2]


  1. [1] Power Electronics Laboratory, cole Polytechnique F, d, rale de Lausanne, 1015, Lausanne, Switzerland
  2. [NORA names: Switzerland; Europe, Non-EU; OECD];
  3. [2] Aalborg University
  4. [NORA names: AAU Aalborg University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  6. [NORA names: Sweden; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


For filling higher input voltage requirement, the input-series system based on attainable power devices is prevalent in industry. Specifically, its auxiliary power supply (APS) is self-powered from submodule (SM) capacitance on mediumhigh voltage occasions, for easing the common mode noise and insulation problems as well as facilitating the modular design. But in the meanwhile, the APS startup problem is brought into practice. This article points out that the out-of-sync issue of APSs during the startup process is considerable since it causes a severe voltage oscillation in the input-series system with small SM capacitance, which is rarely reported before since this adverse influence is neglectable in the common system with large SM capacitance. Therefore, for the first time, the impact of the parameters on voltage oscillation is assessed in this article, which is based on a half-bridge converter equipped with designed self-powered gate drivers as a target input-series system. After establishing an analytical model, the safety and stability criteria for oscillation are identified, followed by the simulation verification. Further, a two-stage startup scheme and hardware design are proposed to ease the voltage oscillation without the penalty of matching passive component parameters. Finally, the corresponding results from experiments are provided to verify the effectiveness.


AP, SM capacitance, Small, adverse influence, analysis, analytical model, article, auxiliary power supply, capacitance, component parameters, converter, criteria, design, devices, drivers, effect, experiments, gate driver, half-bridge converter, hardware, hardware design, impact, industry, influence, input series, input voltage requirements, insulation, insulation problems, issues, mode, mode noise, model, modular design, noise, occasions, oscillations, parameters, passive components parameters, power, power devices, power supply, practice, problem, process, requirements, results, safety, scheme, self-powered gate driver, severe voltage oscillations, simulation, simulation verification, stability, stability criterion, startup, startup problems, startup process, startup scheme, submodule capacitance, submodules, supply, system, target, verification, voltage, voltage oscillations, voltage requirements

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