open access publication

Article, 2024

Optical bistability and flip-flop function in feedback Fano laser.

Optics Express, ISSN 1094-4087, Volume 32, 5, Pages 8230-8248, 10.1364/oe.510599


Liang, Shih Lun [1] Mørk, Jesper 0000-0001-8498-661X [1] Yu, Yi 0000-0002-7631-7069 [1]


  1. [1] Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Optical bistability has the potential to emulate the capabilities of electrical flip-flops, offering plenty of applications in optical signal processing. Conventional optical bistable devices operate by altering the susceptibility of a nonlinear medium. This method, however, often results in drawbacks such as large device size, high energy consumption, or long switching times. This work proposes an optical bistable device incorporating strong optical feedback into a Fano laser. This leads to multiple stable states and introduces a region of bistability between the inherent Fano mode and a feedback-induced Fabry-Perot mode. Unlike conventional bistable devices, the Fano system exploits strong field localization in a nanocavity to control the properties of one of the laser mirrors. This configuration means that switching states can be achieved by modulating the mirror's loss rather than changing the susceptibility of the active medium. Importantly, modulation can be implemented locally on a nanocavity, bypassing the need to adjust the entire laser system. This leads to fast flip-flop actions with low energy consumption. The feedback Fano laser can be embodied in a compact microscopic structure, thus providing a promising approach towards integrated all-optical computation and on-chip signal processing.


Fabry-Perot, Fabry-Perot modes, Fano, Fano laser, Fano modes, Fano system, active medium, all-optical computing, applications, bistability, bistable devices, capability, computer, configuration, consumption, device size, devices, drawbacks, energy consumption, feedback, field, field localization, flip-flops, function, high energy consumption, laser, laser mirrors, laser system, localization, long switching time, loss, low energy consumption, medium, method, microscopic structure, mirror, mirror loss, mode, modulation, nanocavity, nonlinear medium, on-chip, on-chip signal processing, optical bistability, optical bistable device, optical feedback, optical signal processing, potential, process, properties, region, region of bistability, signal processing, size, stable state, state, structure, susceptibility, switching, switching states, switching time, system, time


  • European Research Council
  • Danish National Research Foundation
  • The Velux Foundations

Data Provider: Digital Science