open access publication

Preprint, 2024

3D-printing a cost-effective model for mastoidectomy training: A technical note

Authorea, 10.22541/au.170670081.16485403/v1


Frithioff, Andreas 0000-0003-2054-7639 [1] Weiss, Kenneth [2] Frendø, Martin 0000-0003-4301-347X [1] Sørensen, Mads Sølvsten [1] Andersen, Steven Arild Wuyts 0000-0002-3491-9790 [1] Pedersen, David Bue 0000-0002-7013-7614 [2]


  1. [1] Rigshospitalet
  2. [NORA names: Capital Region of Denmark; Hospital; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Technical University of Denmark
  4. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Key points: • In-house manufacturing of the cost-effective 3D-printed model for temporal bone training is feasible using inexpensive Material Extrusion 3D-printing technology. • 3D-printing temporal bone models requires commitment, knowhow and time as post-processing and 3D-printer maintenance are required. • The printing material (i.e., filament) should contain a high load of chalk or ceramic filler to avoid agglomerating and melting during drilling. However, this makes the filament fragile and prone to breaking during printing. • To avoid the filament from breaking and reducing the need for maintenance, we recommend installing a direct filament drive and using a Ruby nozzle.


bone model, breaks, ceramic fillers, chalk, commitment, cost-effectiveness model, drilling, extrusion 3D printing technology, filaments, filler, in-house, in-house manufacturing, knowhow, load, maintenance, manufacturing, mastoidectomy, mastoidectomy training, materials, melting, model, notes, nozzle, post-processing, printed materials, printing, ruby, technical note, technology, temporal bone model, temporal bone training, time, training

Data Provider: Digital Science