open access publication

Article, 2024

Towards Automated Target Picking in Scalar Magnetic Unexploded Ordnance Surveys: An Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach for Defining Inversion Priors

Remote Sensing, ISSN 2072-4292, Volume 16, 3, Page 507, 10.3390/rs16030507


McGinnity, Claire (Corresponding author) [1] Kolster, Mick Emil 0000-0002-5713-4160 [2] Døssing, Arne 0000-0003-0369-3984 [1]


  1. [1] Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] UMag Solutions, Nørgaardsvej 26, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark;,
  4. [NORA names: Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


With advancements in both the quality and collection speed of magnetic data captured by uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV)-based systems, there is a growing need for robust and efficient systems to automatically interpret such data. Many existing conventional methods require manual inspection of the survey data to pick out candidate areas for further analysis. We automate this initial process by implementing unsupervised machine learning techniques to identify small, well-defined regions. When further analysis is conducted with magnetic inversion algorithms, then our approach also reduces the nonlinear computation and time costs by breaking one huge inversion problem into several smaller ones. We also demonstrate robustness to noise and sidestep the requirement for large quantities of labeled training data: two pitfalls of current automation approaches. We propose first to use hierarchical clustering on filtered magnetic gradient data and then to fit ellipses to the resulting clusters to identify subregions for further analysis. In synthetic data experiments and on real-world datasets, our model successfully captures all true targets while simultaneously proposing fewer computationally costly false positives. With this approach, we take an important step towards fully automating the detection of high-risk subregions, but we wish to emphasize the importance of prudent skepticism until it has been tested and proven on more diverse data.


Ordnance Survey, Towards, Unsupervised, algorithm, analysis, approach, automated approach, automation, clusters, collection, collection speed, computer, conventional methods, cost, data, data experiments, dataset, detection, diverse data, efficient system, ellipses, experiments, false positives, fitting ellipses, gradient data, hierarchical clustering, high-risk subregions, inspection, inversion algorithm, learning approach, learning techniques, machine learning approach, machine learning techniques, magnetic data, magnetic gradient data, manual inspection, method, model, nonlinear computations, picking, pitfalls, position, process, quality, quantities of labeled training data, quantity, real-world datasets, region, requirements, robustness, scalars, skepticism, subregions, survey, survey data, synthetic data experiments, system, target, technique, time, time cost, training data, unexploded ordnance survey, unsupervised machine learning approach, unsupervised machine learning techniques

Data Provider: Digital Science