open access publication

Preprint, 2024

Data is missing again -- Reconstruction of power generation data using k -Nearest Neighbors and spectral graph theory

Authorea, 10.22541/au.170663898.88889975/v1


Pierrot, Amandine 0000-0002-6208-4735 [1] Pinson, Pierre 0000-0002-1480-0282 [1]


  1. [1] Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


The risk of missing data and subsequent incomplete data records at wind farms increases with the number of turbines and sensors. We propose here an imputation method that blends data-driven concepts with expert knowledge, by using the geometry of the wind farm in order to provide better estimates when performing nearest neighbors imputation. Our method relies on learning Laplacian eigenmaps out of the graph of the wind farm through spectral graph theory. These learned representations can be based on the wind farm layout only, or additionally account for information provided by collected data. The related weighted graph is allowed to change with time and can be tracked in an online fashion. Application to the Westermost Rough offshore wind farm shows significant improvement over approaches that do not account for the wind farm layout information.


Laplacian Eigenmaps, applications, approach, concept, data, data records, data-driven concept, eigenmaps, estimation, expert knowledge, farm layout, farms, fashion, generation data, geometry, graph, graph theory, improvement, imputation, imputation methods, incomplete data records, information, knowledge, layout, layout information, method, neighboring, offshore wind farms, online fashion, power generation data, reconstruction, records, representation, risk, risk of missing data, sensor, spectral graph theory, theory, time, turbine, weighted graph, wind, wind farm layout, wind farms

Data Provider: Digital Science