open access publication

Article, 2024

Surface recrystallization on melt electrowritten scaffolds for acceleration of osteogenic differentiation

Materials Today Physics, ISSN 2542-5293, Volume 41, Page 101344, 10.1016/j.mtphys.2024.101344


Su, Yingchun 0000-0001-5217-9936 [1] [2] Zhang, Yuge 0000-0002-1956-416X [2] Chen, Yang 0000-0002-0723-2192 [3] Majidi, Sara Seidelin [2] [4] Dong, Ming-Dong 0000-0002-2025-2171 [2] Chen, Menglin 0000-0002-2721-651X (Corresponding author) [2]


  1. [1] KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  2. [NORA names: Sweden; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Aarhus University
  4. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] China Medical University
  6. [NORA names: China; Asia, East];
  7. [4] University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  8. [NORA names: China; Asia, East]


As physical topographical features suggest important effects in bone tissue engineering, an increasing amount of research on surface topographies has been carried out. In this work, melt electrowritten PCL scaffolds (mPCL) with recrystallized surfaces for osteogenic differentiation were constructed. The recrystallized grid PCL scaffolds (rPCL) show strengthened mechanical properties, retained biocompatibility, enhanced expression of alkaline phosphatase, and improved calcium mineralization compared to uncrystallized mPCL scaffolds, thereby confirming the promotion of osteogenic differentiation. In addition, lumbar vertebra-like rPCL scaffolds were successfully printed for precursor osteoblast-like cells to cellularize in the desired pattern. Importantly, the combination of recrystallization method and MEW technology introduced new function into the MEW based tissue engineering scaffolds, presenting the nano/microstructure of PCL on macroscale PCL scaffolds with enhanced osteogenic activities, which especially opens a new facile route for MEW scaffolds to broaden their applications in bone tissue engineering.


MEW scaffolds, MEWS, PCL, PCL scaffolds, acceleration, acceleration of osteogenic differentiation, activity, alkaline phosphatase, amount of research, applications, biocompatibility, bone, bone tissue engineering, calcium minerals, cells, combination, differentiation, effect, engineering, engineering scaffolds, enhanced expression, enhanced expression of alkaline phosphatase, enhanced osteogenic activity, expression of alkaline phosphatase, features, function, increasing amount, increasing amount of research, mechanical properties, melting, method, minerals, nano/microstructures, osteoblast-like cells, osteogenic activity, osteogenic differentiation, patterns, phosphatase, precursor, promoter, promotion of osteogenic differentiation, properties, recrystallization, recrystallization method, recrystallized surfaces, research, scaffolds, surface, surface recrystallization, surface topography, technology, tissue, tissue engineering, tissue engineering scaffolds, topographic features, topography


  • Carlsberg Foundation
  • Novo Nordisk Foundation

Data Provider: Digital Science