open access publication

Article, 2024

Cooking Up Prosperity: Pop-Up Restaurants, Innovation, and Lifestyle Entrepreneurship

Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, ISSN 2169-2971, 2169-298X, Volume 8, 1, Pages 35-47, 10.3727/216929722x16354101932438


Kristin Nytun Leirdal, Eli [1] Kwiatkowski, Grzegorz 0000-0002-4422-2145 [1] Dragin-Jensen, Christian 0000-0002-9122-2930 [2]


  1. [1] Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
  2. [NORA names: Norway; Europe, Non-EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Business Academy SouthWest
  4. [NORA names: EA Business Academy SouthWest; Business Academies; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Entrepreneurship is central to diversifying and enhancing the competitiveness of tourism offerings. The current literature underscores a critical oversight in nurturing entrepreneurship for tourism innovation and urges further exploration of entrepreneurial motivations in tourism start-ups. This is particularly relevant because the tourism sector heavily relies on new ventures to drive innovation, as established firms often struggle to meet the growing demand for distinctive and unique travel experiences. This study examines the entrepreneurial journey and innovation process within the tourism scene. Through comprehensive desk research and an in-depth entrepreneur interview, we aim to deepen our insights into the motivations driving entrepreneurs and the innovation processes behind their tourism products and services. Specifically, our research focuses on pop-up restaurants, illuminating their embodiment of innovation and lifestyle entrepreneurship. The findings reveal that a sense of freedom, creativity, and the pursuit of uniqueness stand out as key motivational factors of establishing pop-up restaurants. These motivations extend into a continuous business innovation cycle, as the drive to enhance and offer novel experiences remains paramount. This study elucidates the uncharted territory of tourism entrepreneurship and offers valuable insights into the driving forces and innovative dynamics within this evolving market.


Pop‐Up restaurants, business, competition, comprehensive desk research, cooking, creativity, cycle, desk research, driving, driving force, dynamics, embodiment, entrepreneurial journey, entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, evolving market, experiments, exploration, factors, findings, firms, force, freedom, innovation, innovation cycle, innovation dynamics, innovation process, interviews, journey, lifestyle, lifestyle entrepreneurship, literature, market, motivation, motivational factors, nurture entrepreneurship, offerings, oversight, pop-up, process, production, pursuit, research, restaurants, scene, sector, sense of freedom, sensing, services, start-up, study, territory, tourism, tourism entrepreneurship, tourism innovation, tourism offer, tourism products, tourism scene, tourism sector, tourism start-ups, travel experience, unique travel experience, venture

Data Provider: Digital Science