open access publication

Article, 2024

Assessing the Vulnerability of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants to Climate and Land-Use Changes in a Mediterranean Biodiversity Hotspot

Land, ISSN 2073-445X, Volume 13, 2, Page 133, 10.3390/land13020133


Kougioumoutzis, Konstantinos 0000-0002-6938-3025 [1] [2] Tsakiri, Maria [1] [2] Kokkoris, Ioannis P 0000-0002-0647-3445 [1] [2] Trigas, Panayiotis 0000-0001-9557-7723 [3] Iatrou, Gregoris 0000-0001-9575-8524 [1] [2] Lamari, Fotini N 0000-0002-6938-3500 [1] Tzanoudakis, Dimitris [1] [2] Koumoutsou, Eleni [1] [2] Dimopoulos, Panayotis A 0000-0003-0699-9954 [1] [2] Strid, Arne [4] Panitsa, Maria 0000-0003-2388-3400 (Corresponding author) [1] [2]


  1. [1] University of Patras
  2. [NORA names: Greece; Europe, EU; OECD];
  3. [2] Laboratory of Botany, Department of Biology, University of Patras, 26504 Patras, Greece;,, (K.K.);,, (M.T.);,, (I.P.K.);,, (G.I.);,, (D.T.);,, (E.K.);,, (P.D.)
  4. [3] Agricultural University of Athens
  5. [NORA names: Greece; Europe, EU; OECD];
  6. [4] Independent Researcher, Bakkevej 6, DK-5853 Ørbæk, Denmark;,
  7. [NORA names: Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) play a critical role in providing ecosystem services through their provision of herbal remedies, food and natural skin care products, their integration into local economies, and maintaining pollinators’ diversity and populations and ecosystem functioning. Mountainous regions, such as Chelmos-Vouraikos National Park (CVNP), represent unique reservoirs of endemic MAP diversity that require conservation prioritisation. This study aims to provide insights into the sustainable management of MAPs, contributing to efforts to protect Mediterranean biodiversity amid the dual challenges of climate and land-use change, using a suite of macroecological modelling techniques. Following a Species Distribution Modelling framework, we investigated the vulnerability of endemic and non-endemic MAPs to climate and land-use changes. We examined the potential shifts in MAP diversity, distribution, and conservation hotspots within the CVNP. Our results revealed species-specific responses, with endemic taxa facing severe range contractions and non-endemic taxa initially expanding but eventually declining, particularly under land-use change scenarios. Local biodiversity hotspots are projected to shift altitudinally, with considerable area losses in the coming decades and elevated species turnover predicted throughout the CVNP, leading to biotic homogenization. Climate and land-use changes jointly threaten MAP diversity, calling for adaptive conservation strategies, thus highlighting the importance of proactive measures, such as awareness raising, establishing plant micro-reserves, assisted translocation, and promoting sustainable harvesting to protect these species within the CVNP. Our study offers vital insights for managing biodiversity hotspots amid global change pressures, stressing the need to integrate ecological and socioeconomic factors.


Mediterranean, Mediterranean biodiversity, Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot, National Park, Park, adaptive conservation strategies, aromatic plants, assisted translocation, awareness, biodiversity, biodiversity hotspot, biotic homogenization, care products, challenges, change scenarios, changes, changing pressure, climate, conservation, conservation hotspots, conservation prioritisation, conservation strategies, contraction, decades, distribution, distribution modelling framework, diversity, economy, ecosystem, ecosystem services, endemic taxa, factors, food, framework, global change pressures, harvest, herbal remedies, homogeneity, hotspots, integration, land-use, land-use change, land-use change scenarios, local biodiversity hotspots, local economy, management of MAPs, mapping diversity, maps, measurements, medicine, micro-reserves, modeling framework, modeling techniques, mountainous regions, natural skin care products, non-endemic taxa, plant micro-reserves, plants, pollination, population, potential shift, pressure, prioritisation, proactive measures, production, promote sustainable harvesting, provision, range contraction, region, remediation, response, scenarios, services, severe range contractions, shift, skin care products, socioeconomic factors, species, species distribution modelling framework, species turnover, species-specific responses, strategies, study, suite, sustainable harvest, sustainable management, taxa, technique, translocation, turnover, unique reservoir, vulnerability

Data Provider: Digital Science