open access publication

Article, 2024

Numerical simulation of particles beneath a towed circular cylinder

Coastal Engineering, ISSN 1872-7379, 0378-3839, Volume 189, Page 104474, 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2024.104474


Burgaard, Karen B 0000-0001-5366-5610 (Corresponding author) [1] Carstensen, Stefan 0000-0003-2684-1070 [1] Fuhrman, David Roger 0000-0002-2433-6778 [1] O'Neill, Finbarr Gerard 0000-0002-2797-4548 [1]


  1. [1] Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


This study investigates particle dynamics around a towed circular cylinder near a wall. The flow field obtained from a numerical model based on the Reynolds-Average Navier–Stokes equations is utilized to estimate the particle trajectories computed using a Lagrangian approach. The simulated flow resembles a towed fishing gear and the particles which represent sea stars, muscles, and sediments are seeded at the seabed. The ejection of particles from the seabed is related to the upward flow induced by lee-wake vortex shedding. The effect of the gap between the cylinder and the seabed is investigated, where an increased distance leads to fewer ejected particles and distinct trajectories. Furthermore, for the same relative distance to the seabed, a larger diameter cylinder, and hence a different relative initial position and Reynolds number, leads to fewer ejected particles. The optimal position of the fishing net of a towed fishing gear relative to the cylinder is investigated based on the trajectories.


Lagrangian approach, Navier-Stokes equations, Reynolds, Reynolds number, Reynolds-averaged, Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations, approach, circular cylinder, cylinder, diameter, diameter cylinder, distance, dynamics, effect, ejected particles, ejection, ejection of particles, equations, field, fish, fishing gear, fishing nets, flow, flow field, gap, gear, increasing distance, model, muscle, nets, number, numerical model, numerical simulations, numerical simulations of particles, optimal position, particle dynamics, particle trajectories, particles, position, relative distance, sea, sea stars, seabed, sediments, shedding, simulate flow, simulation of particles, stars, study, towed fishing gears, trajectory, upward flow, vortex shedding, wall


  • European Commission

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