open access publication

Article, 2024

Demonstration of water-lean 30 wt% MEA + 15 wt% MEG with rich solvent recycle for biogas upgrading

Fuel, ISSN 0016-2361, 1873-7153, Volume 363, Page 130936, 10.1016/j.fuel.2024.130936


Jørsboe, Jens Kristian (Corresponding author) [1] Neerup, Randi 0000-0003-1322-4436 [1] Vinjarapu, Sai Hema Bhavya 0000-0003-2863-1683 [1] Møller, Andreas Christian [1] Jensen, Søren [2] Abildskov, Jens 0000-0003-1187-8778 [1] Fosbøl, Philip Loldrup 0000-0003-1067-2348 [1]


  1. [1] Technical University of Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Pentair Union Engineering A/S, Snaremosevej 27 7000, Fredericia, Denmark
  4. [NORA names: Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


This study investigates the potential of a water-lean 30 wt% monoethanolamine (MEA) solvent for biogas upgrading. The solvent consists of 30 wt% MEA, 15 wt% monoethyleneglycol (MEG), and 55 wt% water at zero loading. The solvent is investigated using a mobile pilot scale amine scrubbing unit, with a capacity of 1 ton CO2 per day, with the option to utilize a rich solvent recycle (RSR) configuration. Without the RSR configuration, the water-lean solvent obtains a low rich loading of 0.46 mol/mol resulting in a specific reboiler duty (SRD) of 3.92 MJ per kg CO2, which is 6 % higher compared to aqueous 30 wt% MEA. Combining the RSR configuration with cooling enables a higher rich loading of 0.49 mol/mol and decreases the SRD to 3.48 MJ per kg CO2, which is 6% lower than for aqueous 30 wt% MEA. It is found that 30 wt% MEA + 15 wt% MEG only achieves lower SRD than aqueous 30 wt% MEA if similar rich loading can be achieved. By measuring emissions from the absorber and stripper columns, it was found that MEG and MEA form 2-methyl-dioxolane resulting in increased emissions when utilizing this water-lean solvent.


CO2, Higher, MEA, MJ, SRD, absorber, biogas, biogas upgrading, capacity, column, configuration, cooling, days, demonstration, duty, emission, increased emissions, load, measured emissions, monoethyleneglycol, potential, reboiler, reboiler duty, recycling, scrubbing unit, solvent, solvent recycling, stripper, stripper column, study, units, upgrading, water, water-lean solvents


  • Danish Energy Agency

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