Chapter, 2024

Chapter 32 The extended family of collagens

Biochemistry of Collagens, Laminins and Elastin 9780443156175, Pages 303-316


Publisher: Elsevier

DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-443-15617-5.00048-2


Thorlacius-Ussing, Jeppe 0000-0002-3340-0786 [1] Willumsen, Nicholas 0000-0002-5207-5173 [1] Karsdal, Morten Asser 0000-0002-4764-5100 [1]


  1. [1] Nordic Bioscience (Denmark)
  2. [NORA names: Nordic Bioscience; Private Research; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


The characteristic triple-helical structure of collagens is not exclusive to the collagen family; it also appears in a wide variety of other proteins where it plays an important functional role. Here, we present an overview of these collagen-like proteins, including their domain structures and functions. We group these collagen-like proteins into seven categories based on function, including the classical complement pathway activators, cytokines, elastin-interfacers, lectins, scavenger receptors, and a miscellaneous category. Unlike actual collagens, which serve important structural roles, the roles of the collagen-like proteins are more diverse; they instead serve a role in cell signaling and in inflammation and immune activation. Examples of important collagen-like proteins include adiponectin, a cytokine regulating metabolism and insulin sensitivity, C1q, a protein involved in activating the innate immune system, and the macrophage receptor with collagen structure that activates macrophages in response to lung infection.


C1q, activated macrophages, activity, adiponectin, categories, cell signaling, cells, collagen, collagen family, collagen structure, collagen-like proteins, cytokines, domain, domain structure, extended family, family, family of collagens, function, functional role, immune activation, immune system, infection, inflammation, innate immune system, insulin, insulin sensitivity, lectin, lung infection, macrophage receptor, macrophages, metabolism, overview, protein, receptors, regulate metabolism, response, response to lung infection, role, scavenger receptors, scavenging, sensitivity, signal, structural role, structure, structure of collagen, system, triple-helical structure, triple-helical structure of collagen

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