open access publication

Article, 2024

On-Board Federated Learning for Satellite Clusters With Inter-Satellite Links

IEEE Transactions on Communications, ISSN 0090-6778, 1558-0857, Volume 72, 6, Pages 3408-3424, 10.1109/tcomm.2024.3356429


Razmi, Nasrin (Corresponding author) [1] Matthiesen, Bho 0000-0002-4582-3938 [1] Dekorsy, Armin 0000-0002-5790-1470 [1] Popovski, Petar 0000-0001-6195-4797 [1] [2]


  1. [1] University of Bremen
  2. [NORA names: Germany; Europe, EU; OECD];
  3. [2] Aalborg University
  4. [NORA names: AAU Aalborg University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


The emergence of mega-constellations of interconnected satellites has a major impact on the integration of cellular wireless and non-terrestrial networks, while simultaneously offering previously inconceivable data gathering capabilities. This paper studies the problem of running a federated learning (FL) algorithm within low Earth orbit satellite constellations connected with intra-orbit inter-satellite links (ISL), aiming to efficiently process collected data in situ. Satellites apply on-board machine learning and transmit local parameters to the parameter server (PS). The main contribution is a novel approach to enhance FL in satellite constellations using intra-orbit ISLs. The key idea is to rely on predictability of satellite visits to create a system design in which ISLs mitigate the impact of intermittent connectivity and transmit aggregated parameters to the PS. We first devise a synchronous FL, which is extended towards an asynchronous FL for the case of sparse satellite visits to the PS. An efficient use of the satellite resources is attained by sparsification-based compression the aggregated parameters within each orbit. Performance is evaluated in terms of accuracy and required data transmission size. We observe a sevenfold increase in convergence speed over the state-of-the-art using ISLs, and $10\times $ reduction in communication load through the proposed in-network aggregation strategy.


Wireless, accuracy, aggregation parameters, aggregation strategy, algorithm, asynchronous FL, capability, cases, cellular wireless, clusters, communication, communication load, compression, connection, constellation, contribution, convergence, convergence speed, data, data gathering capability, data in situ, design, efficient use, emergency, federated learning, gathering capability, impact, in-network, increase, integration, inter-satellite links, intermittent connectivity, learning, links, load, local parameters, low earth orbit satellite constellations, machine, machine learning, network, non-terrestrial networks, on-board, orbit, parameter server, parameters, performance, prediction, problem, process, reduction, resources, satellite, satellite cluster, satellite constellation, satellite resources, server, size, speed, state-of-the-art, strategies, synchronous FL, system, system design, transmission size, use, visits


  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

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