open access publication

Article, 2024

A Census of Star Formation Histories of Massive Galaxies at 0.6 < z < 1 from Spectrophotometric Modeling Using Bagpipes and Prospector

The Astrophysical Journal, ISSN 0004-637X, 1538-4357, Volume 961, 1, Page 118, 10.3847/1538-4357/ad0c4e


Kaushal, Yasha (Corresponding author) [1] Nersesian, Angelos 0000-0001-6843-409X [2] Bezanson, Rachel S 0000-0001-5063-8254 [1] Van Der Wel, Arjen 0000-0002-5027-0135 [2] Leja, Joel 0000-0001-6755-1315 [3] Carnall, Adam C 0000-0002-1482-5818 [4] Gallazzi, Anna R 0000-0002-9656-1800 [5] Zibetti, Stefano [5] Khullar, Gourav 0000-0002-3475-7648 [1] Franx, Marijn [6] Muzzin, Adam [7] De Graaff, Anna 0000-0002-2380-9801 [6] [8] Pacifici, Camilla 0000-0003-4196-0617 [9] Whitaker, Katherine E 0000-0001-7160-3632 [10] [11] Bell, Eric Findlay 0000-0002-5564-9873 [12] Martorano, Marco 0000-0003-2373-0404 [2]


  1. [1] University of Pittsburgh
  2. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD];
  3. [2] Ghent University
  4. [NORA names: Belgium; Europe, EU; OECD];
  5. [3] Pennsylvania State University
  6. [NORA names: United States; America, North; OECD];
  7. [4] University of Edinburgh
  8. [NORA names: United Kingdom; Europe, Non-EU; OECD];
  9. [5] Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory
  10. [NORA names: Italy; Europe, EU; OECD];


We present individual star formation histories (SFHs) of ∼3000 massive galaxies (log(M */M ⊙) > 10.5) from the Large Early Galaxy Astrophysics Census spectroscopic survey at a lookback time of ∼7 billion yr and quantify the population trends leveraging 20 hr deep-integrated spectra of these ∼1800 star-forming and ∼1200 quiescent galaxies at 0.6 < z < 1.0. Essentially all galaxies at this epoch contain stars of age <3 Gyr, in contrast with older massive galaxies today, facilitating better recovery of previous generations of star formation at cosmic noon and earlier. We conduct spectrophotometric analysis using parametric and nonparametric Bayesian stellar population synthesis modeling tools—Bagpipes and Prospector—to constrain the median SFHs of this mass complete sample and characterize population trends. A consistent picture arises for the late-time stellar mass growth when quantified as t 50 and t 90, corresponding to the age of the Universe when galaxies formed 50% and 90% of their total stellar mass, although the two methods disagree at the earliest formation times (e.g., t 10). Our results reveal trends in both stellar mass and stellar velocity dispersion as in the local Universe—low-mass galaxies with shallower potential wells grow their stellar masses later in cosmic history compared to high-mass galaxies. Unlike local quiescent galaxies, the median duration of late-time star formation (τ SF,late = t 90–t 50) does not consistently depend on the stellar mass. This census sets a benchmark for future deep spectrophotometric studies of the more distant Universe.


Early, Gyr, University, age, analysis, bagpipe, census, characterize population trends, complete samples, cosmic history, cosmic noon, dispersion, distant universe, epoch, formation, formation history, formation time, galaxies, galaxies today, generation, generations of star formation, growth, high-mass galaxies, history, individual star formation histories, lookback, lookback time, mass, mass growth, mass-complete sample, massive galaxies, massive galaxies today, median duration, method, model, noon, population, population trends, potential wells, prospectors, quiescent galaxies, recovery, results, samples, spectra, spectrophotometric, spectrophotometric analysis, spectrophotometric models, spectrophotometric studies, spectroscopic survey, star formation, star formation histories of massive galaxies, star formation history, star-formation, stars, stellar mass, stellar mass growth, stellar velocity dispersion, study, survey, time, today, trends, velocity dispersion, wells


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