Article, 2024

Improved melting temperature predictions for single LNA modifications in synthetic DNA oligonucleotides

Chemical Physics, ISSN 1873-4421, 0301-0104, Volume 579, Page 112204, 10.1016/j.chemphys.2024.112204


Ferreira, Izabela 0000-0003-0593-0701 [1] Miranda, Pâmella 0000-0001-8876-1864 [1] Astakhova, Kira 0000-0003-4878-0301 [2] Weber, Gerald 0000-0002-2935-1571 (Corresponding author) [1]


  1. [1] Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  2. [NORA names: Brazil; America, South];
  3. [2] Technical University of Denmark
  4. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Locked nucleic acids (LNA) is a modification to DNA that generally increases the melting temperature in double strands. The nearest-neighbour (NN) provides one of the best prediction accuracies and is attractive for its simplicity. Here, we revise the NN parametrization for single LNA modifications with a very large set of published melting temperatures and using a parameter optimization method especially aimed at accurate melting temperature predictions. We show that the new set of LNA-NN parameters achieves an improved prediction of 0.88 °C over older parameter sets that achieve 1.7 °C for this data. We also tested if the existing salt corrections for DNA could be used for LNA as well. Using a small set of low salt melting temperatures we show that by applying the usual DNA salt corrections one may obtain predictions within an average uncertainty of 3.0 °C.


DNA, DNA oligonucleotides, LNA modifications, accuracy, acid, average uncertainty, correction, data, double strands, improved prediction, locked nucleic acid, melting, melting temperature, melting temperature predictions, method, modification, modifications to DNA, nearest neighbours, nucleic acids, old parameters, oligonucleotides, optimization, optimization method, parameters, parametrization, prediction, prediction accuracy, salt, salt correction, strands, synthetic DNA oligonucleotides, temperature, temperature prediction, uncertainty


  • Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais
  • Coordenação de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
  • National Council for Scientific and Technological Development

Data Provider: Digital Science