Chapter, 2024

Typed Petri Nets with Variable Arc Weights

Business Process Management Workshops 978-3-031-50973-5, 978-3-031-50974-2, Pages 483-495

Editors: Luise Pufahl; Jochen De Weerdt

Series: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing ISSN 1865-1348, 1865-1356, 1865-1348, 1865-1356, Volume 492, Pages 483-495

Publisher: Springer Nature

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-50974-2_36


Lomazova, Irina Aleksandrovna 0000-0002-9420-3751 [1] Mitsyuk, Alexey Alexandrovich 0000-0003-2352-3384 [1] Rivkin, Andrey 0000-0001-8425-2309 (Corresponding author) [2]


  1. [1] National Research University Higher School of Economics
  2. [NORA names: Russia; Europe, Non-EU];
  3. [2] Technical University of Denmark
  4. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Object-centric processes have become increasingly popular in the last years mainly due to the establishment of object-centric process mining. One of the most popular formalisms for describing lifecycles of objects and capturing relationships between them are object-centric Petri nets. An important feature of such nets is the ability to transfer an arbitrary number of same-typed objects upon transition firing by means of so-called variable arcs. In this work, we generalise the concept of variable arcs by introducing a fairly simple and versatile mechanism of arc weight parameterization via linear combinations of type-dependent weight variables, and incorporating it into the new formalism of typed Petri nets with variable arc weights. Moreover, we demonstrate that such extended variable arcs can be effectively eliminated, making the resulting net model expressively equivalent to a classical P/T-net. This result allows a natural transfer of analytical techniques available for P/T-nets to the formalisms like object-centric Petri nets.


Object-centric process mining, P/T nets, Petri nets, analytical techniques, arbitrary number, arc, arc weights, concept, fire, formalism, lifecycle, linear combination, mechanism, mining, model, natural transfer, net model, nets, number, object-centric Petri net, objective, parameterization, process, process mining, relationship, same-type objects, technique, transition, transition firings, variables, variables arc, weight, weight variability, years

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