open access publication

Article, 2024

Region‐specific drivers cause low organic carbon stocks and sequestration rates in the saltmarsh soils of southern Scandinavia

Limnology and Oceanography, ISSN 1939-5590, 0024-3590, Volume 69, 2, Pages 290-308, 10.1002/lno.12480


Leiva-Dueñas, Carmen 0000-0001-8974-9883 (Corresponding author) [1] Graversen, Anna Elizabeth Løvgren 0000-0003-4116-0054 [2] Banta, Gary Thomas 0000-0002-3000-9837 [2] Hansen, Jeppe Najbjerg [1] [2] Schrøter, Marie Louise Kjærgaard [3] Masqué, Pere 0000-0002-1789-320X [4] [5] Holmer, Marianne 0000-0002-6095-5488 [2] Krause-Jensen, Dorte Søndergaard 0000-0001-9792-256X [1]


  1. [1] Aarhus University
  2. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] University of Southern Denmark
  4. [NORA names: SDU University of Southern Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  5. [3] Roskilde University
  6. [NORA names: RUC Roskilde University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  7. [4] Edith Cowan University
  8. [NORA names: Australia; Oceania; OECD];
  9. [5] International Atomic Energy Agency, Monaco
  10. [NORA names: Monaco; Europe, Non-EU]


Abstract Saltmarshes are known for their ability to act as effective sinks of organic carbon (OC) and their protection and restoration could potentially slow down the pace of global warming. However, regional estimates of saltmarsh OC storage are often missing, including for the Nordic region. To address this knowledge gap, we assessed OC storage and accumulation rates in 17 saltmarshes distributed along the Danish coasts and investigated the main drivers of soil OC storage. Danish saltmarshes store a median of 10 kg OC m −2 (interquartile range, IQR: 13.5–7.6) in the top meter and sequester 31.5 g OC m −2 yr −1 (IQR: 41.6–15.7). In a global context, these values are comparatively low. Soils with abundant clay (> 20%), older and stable saltmarshes in mesohaline settings, and with low proportion of algal organic material showed higher OC densities, stocks, and accumulation rates. Grazing led to significantly higher OC stocks than neighboring ungrazed locations, likely due to trampling modifying soil abiotic conditions (higher erosion‐resistance and higher clay content) that slow carbon decay. Scaling up, Danish saltmarsh soils, comprising about 1% of the country's area, have the potential to yearly capture up to 0.1% of Denmark's annual consumption‐based CO 2 emissions. Our research expands the baseline data needed to advance blue carbon research and management in the Nordic region while highlighting the need for a more comprehensive approach to saltmarsh management that considers the full range of services of these ecosystems and does not only focus on climate benefits.


CO 2 emissions, Danish coast, Denmark, Nordic region, OC density, OC stocks, OC storage, Scandinavia, abiotic conditions, abundant clay, accumulation, accumulation rates, approach, area, baseline, baseline data, benefits, blue carbon research, carbon, carbon decay, carbon research, carbon stocks, clay, climate, climate benefits, coast, comprehensive approach, conditions, context, countries, country areas, data, decay, density, drivers, ecosystem, effective sink, gap, global context, global warming, grazing, knowledge, knowledge gaps, location, m-2, management, materials, median, organic carbon, organic carbon stocks, organic materials, pace of global warming, pacing, potential, proportion, protection, rate, region, regional estimates, research, restoration, saltmarsh, saltmarsh management, saltmarsh soils, sequestration, sequestration rate, services, sets, sink of organic carbon, soil, soil OC storage, soil abiotic conditions, southern Scandinavia, stock, storage, top meter, ungrazed locations, values, warming


  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
  • The Research Council of Norway
  • Academy of Finland
  • Innovation Fund Denmark
  • The Velux Foundations

Data Provider: Digital Science