open access publication

Article, 2024

Reactive power control of micro-grids using FOSMC for grid code compliance during asymmetrical voltage sags

Electric Power Systems Research, ISSN 1873-2046, 0378-7796, Volume 229, Page 110056, 10.1016/j.epsr.2023.110056


Kordkandi, Reza Deihimi [1] Hagh, Mehrdad Tarafdar 0000-0003-0051-2586 [1] Roozbehani, Sam 0000-0001-9834-8838 [2] Feyzi, Mojtaba [3] Bayati, Navid 0000-0001-9247-0840 (Corresponding author) [4] Ebel, Thomas 0000-0001-8473-4471 [4]


  1. [1] University of Tabriz
  2. [NORA names: Iran; Asia, Middle East];
  3. [2] Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research
  4. [NORA names: Iran; Asia, Middle East];
  5. [3] K.N.Toosi University of Technology
  6. [NORA names: Iran; Asia, Middle East];
  7. [4] University of Southern Denmark
  8. [NORA names: SDU University of Southern Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Application of micro-grids (MGs) as a solution for future energy systems are significantly increasing in recent years. On the other hand, more stringent requirements are added to grid codes (GCs) of low-voltage distribution networks. Accordingly, this paper proposes a low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) control scheme for four-wire multi-source MGs. The novel strategy is composed of two layers for controlling each phase of the grid-connected sources independently. The primary layer contains a reverse-droop function for each phase and fractional-order sliding-mode-control (FOSMC). The secondary layer determines the total requested reactive power for each phase during symmetrical and asymmetrical voltage drops. Then, the mentioned power is shared among the phases of each inverter based on the reactive power-sharing strategy and GC requirements. Based on the proposed grid-following controller, the voltage of faulty phases is compensated by reactive power injection. In addition, power quality indexes are kept in acceptable ranges during abnormalities, and the FOSMC performs better than the conventional methods. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is verified through offline simulations in MATLAB/Simulink as well as validation by real-time results.


FOSMC, GC requirements, Quality Index, abnormalities, application of micro-grid, applications, asymmetric voltage drop, asymmetrical voltage sags, code, code compliance, compliance, control, control of micro-grids, conventional methods, distribution network, drop, effect, energy, energy systems, function, grid, grid code compliance, grid codes, grid-following control, index, injection, inverter, layer, low-voltage distribution network, low-voltage ride-through, method, micro-grid, network, offline simulation, phase, power, power injection, power quality indices, power-sharing strategy, primary layer, range, reactive power, reactive power control, reactive power injection, real-time results, requirements, results, ride-through, sag, secondary layer, simulation, solution, source, strategies, system, validity, voltage, voltage drop, voltage sag, years

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