Article, 2023

PDZome-wide and structural characterization of the PDZ-binding motif of VANGL2

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics, ISSN 1878-2434, 1570-9639, 1878-1454, Volume 1872, 3, Page 140989, 10.1016/j.bbapap.2023.140989


Montserrat-Gomez, Marta [1] Gógl, Gergő 0000-0002-8597-3711 [2] Carrasco, Kendall 0000-0002-9421-6608 [1] Betzi, Stéphane 0000-0001-5935-5058 [1] Durbesson, Fabien 0000-0001-7972-2054 [3] Cousido-Siah, Alexandra 0000-0002-3051-1560 [2] Kostmann, Camille 0000-0002-2881-4909 [2] Essig, Dominic J [4] [5] Strømgaard, Kristian 0000-0003-2206-4737 [6] Østergaard, Søren 0000-0002-9415-3352 [5] Morelli, Xavier J 0000-0001-8101-7901 [1] Travé, Gilles [2] Vincentelli, Renaud 0000-0001-9667-0196 (Corresponding author) [3] Bailly, Eric (Corresponding author) [1] Borg, Jean-Paul 0000-0001-8418-3382 (Corresponding author) [1] [7]


  1. [1] Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille
  2. [NORA names: France; Europe, EU; OECD];
  3. [2] Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology
  4. [NORA names: France; Europe, EU; OECD];
  5. [3] Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques
  6. [NORA names: France; Europe, EU; OECD];
  7. [4] Center for Biopharmaceuticals, Jagtvej 162, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark; Global Research Technologies, Novo Nordisk Research Park, 2760 Maaloev, Denmark.
  8. [NORA names: Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  9. [5] Novo Nordisk (Denmark)
  10. [NORA names: Novo Nordisk; Private Research; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];


VANGL2 is a core component of the non-canonical Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity signaling pathway that uses its highly conserved carboxy-terminal type 1 PDZ-binding motif (PBM) to bind a variety of PDZ proteins. In this study, we characterize and quantitatively assess the largest VANGL2 PDZome-binding profile documented so far, using orthogonal methods. The results of our holdup approach support VANGL2 interactions with a large panel of both long-recognized and unprecedented PDZ domains. Truncation and point mutation analyses of the VANGL2 PBM establish that, beyond the strict requirement of the P-0 / V521 and P-2 / T519 amino acids, upstream residues, including E518, Q516 and R514 at, respectively, P-3, P-5 and P-7 further contribute to the robustness of VANGL2 interactions with two distinct PDZ domains, SNX27 and SCRIBBLE-PDZ3. In agreement with these data, incremental amino-terminal deletions of the VANGL2 PBM causes its overall affinity to progressively decline. Moreover, the holdup data establish that the PDZome binding repertoire of VANGL2 starts to diverge significantly with the truncation of E518. A structural analysis of the SYNJ2BP-PDZ/VANGL2 interaction with truncated PBMs identifies a major conformational change in the binding direction of the PBM peptide after the P-2 position. Finally, we report that the PDZome binding profile of VANGL2 is dramatically rearranged upon phosphorylation of S517, T519 and S520. Our crystallographic approach illustrates how SYNJ2BP accommodates a S520-phosphorylated PBM peptide through the ideal positioning of two basic residues, K48 and R86. Altogether our data provides a comprehensive view of the VANGL2 PDZ network and how this network specifically responds to the post-translation modification of distinct PBM residues. These findings should prove useful in guiding future functional and molecular studies of the key PCP component VANGL2.


K48, P-0, P-2, P-2 positions, P-3, PBM, PCP, PDZ, PDZ domain, PDZ proteins, PDZ-binding motif, PDZome, R514, R86, S520, SNX27, SYNJ2BP, Vangl2, acid, affinity, amino acids, amino-terminal deletions, analysis, approach, binding, binding direction, binding repertoire, changes, characterization, comprehensive view, conformational changes, crystallographic approach, data, deletion, direction, domain, findings, holdup, holdup data, ideal position, interaction, long-recognized, method, modification, molecular studies, mutation analysis, network, orthogonal method, p 5, p 7, pathway, peptide, phosphorylation, point, point mutation analysis, polarity signaling pathway, position, post-translational modifications, profile, protein, repertoire, requirements, residues, results, robustness, signaling pathway, structural analysis, structural characterization, study, truncation, upstream residues, views


  • European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
  • La Ligue Contre le Cancer
  • European Commission
  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche

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